
The following section documents general utilities available with Mezzanine. While these aren’t a core part of Mezzanine itself, they’re widely used across many areas of Mezzanine, and can be very useful in conjunction with your own custom content and features.

Firstly covered are the utilities found in the mezzanine.generic app, such as Keywords, Threaded Comments, and Ratings. Each of these form a common pattern:

  • A model is provided containing generic relationships using Django’s django.contrib.contenttypes app
  • A custom model field is provided for defining relationships to the mezzanine.generic model, which can then be applied to any of your own models
  • The custom field injects extra fields onto your model, with de-normalized data populated on save
  • Template tags are provided for displaying the related data, forms for posting them, and views for handling form posts where applicable

For a complete implementation reference, take a look at the built-in blog app mezzanine.blog which makes use of all these.

Lastly, some of the General Template Tags found within mezzanine.core.templatetags.mezzanine_tags are covered.


Keywords provided by the mezzanine.generic app are pervasive throughout Mezzanine. They’re assigned to both the Page model and the Displayable model from which it’s derived. Given that these models form the foundation of most content within Mezzanine, more often than not you’re dealing with models that are already using keywords.

Suppose we have a regular Django model though, such as our Book example from the previous example in Content Architecture:

from django.db import models
from mezzanine.generic.fields import KeywordsField

class Book(models.Model):
    author = models.ForeignKey("Author")
    cover = models.ImageField(upload_to="authors")
    keywords = KeywordsField()

When editing Book instances in the admin, we’ll now be able to choose keywords from the pool of keywords used throughout the site, and also assign new keywords if needed. We can then easily query for books given any keywords:

Book.objects.filter(keywords__keyword__title__in=["eggs", "ham"])

Given a Book instance in a template, we can also display the book’s keywords using the keywords_for() template tag, which will inject a list of keywords into the template, using the as var_name variable name argument supplied to it:

{% load keyword_tags %}

{% keywords_for book as keywords %}
{% if keywords %}
    {% for keyword in keywords %}
    <li><a href="{% url "books_for_keyword" keyword.slug %}">{{ keyword }}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

You’ll see here each Keyword instance has a slug field - we use it in a fictitious urlpattern called books_for_keyword, which could then retrieve books for a given keyword by slug:


Any model with a KeywordsField field assigned to it will have a FIELD_NAME_string field assigned to it, where FIELD_NAME is the name given to the KeywordsField attribute on your model, which would be Book.keywords_string in the above example. Each time keywords change, the keywords_string field is populated with a comma separated string list of each of the keywords. This can be used in conjunction with Mezzanine’s Search Engine - behavior that is provided by default for the Page and Displayable models.

Threaded Comments

Threaded comments provided by the mezzanine.generic app are an extension of Django’s django_comments app. Mezzanine’s threaded comments fundamentally extend Django’s comments to allow for threaded conversations, where comments can be made in reply to other comments.

Again as with our Book example, suppose we wanted to add threaded conversations to our book pages in templates, we first define comments on the Book model:

from django.db import models
from mezzanine.generic.fields import CommentsField

class Book(models.Model):
    author = models.ForeignKey("Author")
    cover = models.ImageField(upload_to="authors")
    comments = CommentsField()

Then given a Book instance named book in a template:

{% load comment_tags %}

<h3>There are {{ book.comments_count }} comment{{ book.comments_count|pluralize }}</h3>
{% comments_for book %}

The comments_for template tag is a Django inclusion tag, that includes the template generic/includes/comments.html, which recursively includes the template generic/includes/comment.html to build up the threaded conversation. To customize the look and feel of the threaded conversation, simply override these templates in your project.

As you can see in the template example we have a Book.comments_count field injected onto our Book model. This works the same way as described above for the KeywordsField, where the name is derived from the name given to the CommentsField attribute on the model, and updated each time the number of comments change.

You can also require that users must be logged in to comment. This is controlled by setting the COMMENTS_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED setting to True. In this case, the comment form will still be displayed, but on submitting a comment, the user will be redirected to the login/signup page, where after logging in, their comment will be posted without having to re-submit it. See the Public User Accounts section for full details on configuring public user accounts in Mezzanine.


The ratings provided by the mezzanine.generic app allow people to give a rating for any model that has ratings set up. Suppose we wanted to allow people to rate our books from 1 to 10, first we define what the rating range is via the RATINGS_RANGE setting:

RATINGS_RANGE = range(1, 11)

And then add ratings to our Book model:

from django.db import models
from mezzanine.generic.fields import RatingField

class Book(models.Model):
    author = models.ForeignKey("Author")
    cover = models.ImageField(upload_to="authors")
    rating = RatingField()

And then in our book template:

{% load rating_tags %}

{% rating_for book %}

The rating_for() template tag is another inclusion tag, which uses the template generic/includes/rating.html. It simply displays the current average rating, and a form with radio buttons for rating. You may wish to customize this and use visual icons, like stars, for the ratings.

Like the other custom fields in mezzanine.generic, the RatingField will inject fields derived from its attribute name onto the model which it’s assigned to, which are updated when a new rating is made. Given our Book example, the RatingField would inject:

  • Book.rating_average - average rating
  • Book.rating_sum - total sum of all ratings
  • Book.rating_count - total count of all ratings

Like threaded comments, ratings can be limited to authenticated users by setting the RATINGS_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED setting to True.

General Template Tags

Following are some template tags defined in mezzanine.core.templatetags.mezzanine_tags - they’re general purpose and can be used across a variety of scenarios.


The fields_for() template tag is a simple tag that takes a form object as its single argument, and renders the fields for the form. It uses the template core/templates/includes/form_fields.html, which can then be overridden to customize the look and feel of all forms throughout a Mezzanine site:

{% load mezzanine_tags %}

<form method="POST">
    {% fields_for some_form_object %}
    <input type="submit">


The errors_for() template tag is an inclusion tag that takes a form object and renders any error messages with the template core/templates/includes/form_errors.html. It plays well with fields_for():

{% load mezzanine_tags %}

{% errors_for some_form_object %}
<form method="POST">
    {% fields_for some_form_object %}
    <input type="submit">


The sort_by() template tag is a general sorting utility. It’s a filter tag similar to Django’s dictsort filter tag, but instead of only accepting sequences of dicts and a key name, it also accepts sequences of objects and an attribute name, making it much more general purpose.

Here’s an example with the keywords_for() tag described above, which assigns an item_count() attribute to each keyword returned to the template:

{% load mezzanine_tags keywords_tags %}

{% keywords_for book as keywords %}
{% for keyword in keywords|sort_by:"item_count" %}
... etc ...
{% endfor %}


The thumbnail() template tag provides on-the-fly image resizing. It takes the relative path to the image file to resize, and mandatory width and height arguments.

When the thumbnail() template tag is called for a given set of arguments the first time, the thumbnail is generated and its relative path is returned. Subsequent calls with the same arguments will return the same thumbnail path, without resizing it again, so resizes only occur when first requested.

Given our book example’s Book.cover field, suppose we wanted to render cover thumbnails with a 100 pixel width, and proportional height:

{% load mezzanine_tags %}

<img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}{% thumbnail book.cover 100 0 %}">

The thumbnail() template tag also accepts several other optional arguments for controlling the generated thumbnail:

  • upscale - A boolean controlling whether the thumbnail should
    grow beyond its original size when resizing (defaults to True)
  • quality - A value from 0 to 100 controlling the JPG quality (defaults to 95)
  • left and top - Values from 0 to 1 controlling where the image will be cropped (each defaults to 0.5, namely the center)
  • padding - A boolean controlling whether the thumbnail will be padded rather than cropped (defaults to False)
  • padding_color - RGB string controlling the background color when padding is True (defaults to “#fff”)