.. include:: ../README.rst Installation ============ The easiest method is to install directly from pypi using `pip`_ by running the command below, which will also install the required dependencies mentioned above:: $ pip install mezzanine If you prefer, you can download Mezzanine and install it directly from source:: $ python setup.py install Once installed, the command ``mezzanine-project`` can be used to create a new Mezzanine project in similar fashion to ``django-admin.py``:: $ mezzanine-project project_name $ cd project_name $ python manage.py createdb --noinput $ python manage.py runserver .. note:: The ``createdb`` command is a shortcut for using Django's ``migrate`` command, which will also install some demo content, such as a contact form, image gallery, and more. If you'd like to omit this step, use the ``--nodata`` option with ``createdb``. You should then be able to browse to and log in using the default account (``username: admin, password: default``). If you'd like to specify a different username and password during set up, simply exclude the ``--noinput`` option included above when running ``createdb``. For information on how to add Mezzanine to an existing Django project, see the FAQ section of the documentation. Mezzanine makes use of as few libraries as possible (apart from a standard Django environment), with the following dependencies, which unless noted as optional, should be installed automatically following the above instructions: * `Python`_ 2.7 to 3.6 * `Django`_ 1.8 to 1.10 * `django-contrib-comments`_ - for built-in threaded comments * `Pillow`_ - for image resizing (`Python Imaging Library`_ fork) * `grappelli-safe`_ - admin skin (`Grappelli`_ fork) * `filebrowser-safe`_ - for managing file uploads (`FileBrowser`_ fork) * `bleach`_ and `BeautifulSoup`_ - for sanitizing markup in content * `pytz`_ and `tzlocal`_ - for timezone support * `chardet`_ - for supporting arbitrary encoding in file uploads * `django-modeltranslation`_ - for multi-lingual content (optional) * `django-compressor`_ - for merging JS/CSS assets (optional) * `requests`_ and `requests_oauthlib`_ - for interacting with external APIs * `pyflakes`_ and `pep8`_ - for running the test suite (optional) Note that various systems may contain `specialized instructions for installing Pillow`_. Themes ====== A handful of attractive `Free Themes`_ are available thanks to `@abhinavsohani`_, while there is also a marketplace for buying and selling `Premium Themes`_ thanks to `@joshcartme`_. Browser Support =============== Mezzanine's admin interface works with all modern browsers. Internet Explorer 7 and earlier are generally unsupported. Third-Party Plug-Ins ==================== The following plug-ins have been developed outside of Mezzanine. If you have developed a plug-in to integrate with Mezzanine and would like to list it here, send an email to the `mezzanine-users`_ mailing list, or better yet, fork the project and create a pull request with your plug-in added to the list below. We also ask that you add it to the `Mezzanine Grid on djangopackages.com`_. * `Cartridge`_ - ecommerce for Mezzanine. * `Drum`_ - A `Hacker News`_ / `Reddit`_ clone powered by Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-html5boilerplate`_ - Integrates the `html5boilerplate project`_ into Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-mdown`_ - Adds `Markdown`_ support to Mezzanine's rich text editor. * `mezzanine-openshift`_ - Setup for running Mezzanine on `Redhat's OpenShift`_ cloud platform. * `mezzanine-stackato`_ - Setup for running Mezzanine on `ActiveState's Stackato`_ cloud platform. * `mezzanine-blocks`_ - A Mezzanine flavored fork of django-flatblocks. * `mezzanine-widgets`_ - Widget system for Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-themes`_ - A collection of Django/Mezzanine templates. * `mezzanine-twittertopic`_ - Manage multiple Twitter topic feeds from the Mezzanine admin interface. * `mezzanine-captcha`_ - Adds CAPTCHA field types to Mezzanine's forms builder app. * `mezzanine-bookmarks`_ - A multi-user bookmark app for Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-events`_ - Events plugin for Mezzanine, with geocoding via Google Maps, iCalendar files, webcal URLs and directions via Google Calendar/Maps. * `mezzanine-polls`_ - Polls application for Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-pagedown`_ - Adds the `Pagedown`_ WYSIWYG editor to Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-careers`_ - Job posting application for Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-recipes`_ - Recipes plugin with built-in REST API. * `mezzanine-slides`_ - Responsive banner slides app for Mezzanine. * `mezzyblocks`_ - Another app for adding blocks/modules to Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-flexipage`_ - Allows designers to manage content areas in templates. * `mezzanine-instagram`_ - A simple Instagram app for Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-wiki`_ - Wiki app for Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-calendar`_ - Calendar pages in Mezzanine * `mezzanine-facebook`_ - Simple Facebook integration for Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-instagram-gallery`_ - Create Mezzanine galleries using Instagram images. * `mezzanine-cli`_ - Command-line interface for Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-categorylink`_ - Integrates Mezzanine's Link pages with its blog categories. * `mezzanine-podcast`_ - A simple podcast streamer and manager for Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-linkcollection`_ - Collect links. Feature them. Share them over RSS. * `cash-generator`_ - Generate `GnuCash`_ invoices with Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-foundation`_ - `Zurb Foundation`_ theme for Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-file-collections`_ - Simple file collection page type for Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-wymeditor`_ - `WYMeditor`_ adapted as the rich text editor for Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-meze`_ - Adds support for `reStructuredText`_, `Pygments`_ and more, to Mezzanine's rich text editing. * `mezzanine-pageimages`_ - Add background and banner images per page in Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-protected-pages`_ - Restrict access to pages by group membership. * `mezzanine-page-auth`_ - A Mezzanine module for add group-level permission to pages. * `django-widgy`_ - Widget-oriented content editing. Includes an adapter for Mezzanine and a powerful form builder. * `mezzanine-admin-backup`_ - Export your Mezzanine database and assets directly from the admin. * `mezzanine-mailchimp`_ - Integrate Mezzanine forms with a MailChimp subscription list. * `mezzanine-grappelli`_ - Integrates latest upstream grappelli/filebrowser with Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-workout`_ - Store and display FIT data in Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-agenda`_ - Event functionality for your Mezzanine sites. * `mezzanine-dpaste`_ - Integrate `dpaste`_, a Django pastebin, into your Mezzanine site. * `mezzanine-linkdump`_ - Create, display and track links in Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-people`_ - Categorize and list people in Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-webf`_ - Fabfile for deploying Mezzanine to Webfaction. * `mezzanineopenshift`_ Another setup for `Redhat's OpenShift`_ cloud platform. * `mezzanine-bsbanners`_ - Add `Twitter Bootstrap`_ Carousels and Jumbotrons to Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-business-theme`_ - Starter business theme for Mezzanine. * `open-helpdesk`_ - A helpdesk app built with Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-invites`_ - Allow site registration via alphanumeric invite codes. * `ansible-mezzanine`_ - Full pipeline (dev, staging, production) deployment of Mezzanine using `Ansible`_. * `mezzanine-modal-announcements`_ - Popup announcements for Mezzanine websites via Bootstrap modals. * `mezzanine-buffer`_ - `Buffer`_ integration for Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-slideshows`_ - Allows placement of Mezzanine galleries within other Mezzanine pages as slideshows. * `mezzanine-onepage`_ - Design helper for single-page Mezzanine sites. * `mezzanine-api`_ - RESTful web API for Mezzanine. * `mezzanine-smartling`_ - Integrates Mezzanine content with `Smartling Translations`_. * `mezzanine-shortcodes`_ - `Wordpress shortcodes`_ for Mezzanine. Sites Using Mezzanine ===================== Got a site built with Mezzanine? You can add it to the gallery on the `Mezzanine project page`_ by adding it to the list below - just fork the project and create a pull request. Please omit the trailing slash in the URL, as we manually add that ourselves to feature certain sites. * `Citrus Agency `_ * `Mezzanine Project `_ * `Nick Hagianis `_ * `Thomas Johnson `_ * `Central Mosque Wembley `_ * `Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation `_ * `The Source Procurement `_ * `Imageinary `_ * `Brad Montgomery `_ * `Jashua Cloutier `_ * `Alpha & Omega Contractors `_ * `Equity Advance `_ * `Head3 Interactive `_ * `PyLadies `_ * `Ripe Maternity `_ * `Cotton On `_ * `List G Barristers `_ * `Tri-Cities Flower Farm `_ * `daon.ru `_ * `autoindeks.ru `_ * `immiau.ru `_ * `ARA Consultants `_ * `Boîte à Z'images `_ * `The Melbourne Cup `_ * `Diablo News `_ * `Goldman Travel `_ * `IJC Digital `_ * `Coopers `_ * `Joe Julian `_ * `Sheer Ethic `_ * `Salt Lake Magazine `_ * `Boca Raton Magazine `_ * `Photog.me `_ * `Elephant Juice Soup `_ * `National Positions `_ * `Like Humans Do `_ * `Connecting Countries `_ * `tindie.com `_ * `Environmental World Products `_ * `Ross A. Laird `_ * `Etienne B. Roesch `_ * `Recruiterbox `_ * `Mod Productions `_ * `Appsembler `_ * `Pink Twig `_ * `Parfume Planet `_ * `Trading 4 Us `_ * `Chris Fleisch `_ * `Theneum `_ * `My Story Chest `_ * `Philip Sahli `_ * `Raymond Chandler `_ * `Nashsb `_ * `AciBASE `_ * `Matthe Wahn `_ * `Bit of Pixels `_ * `European Crystallographic Meeting `_ * `Dreamperium `_ * `UT Dallas `_ * `Go Yama `_ * `Yeti LLC `_ * `Li Xiong `_ * `Pageworthy `_ * `Prince Jets `_ * `30 sites in 30 days `_ * `St Barnabas' Theological College `_ * `Helios 3D `_ * `Life is Good `_ * `Building 92 `_ * `Pie Monster `_ * `Cotton On Asia `_ * `Ivan Diao `_ * `Super Top Secret `_ * `Jaybird Sport `_ * `Manai Glitter `_ * `Sri Emas International School `_ * `Boom Perun `_ * `Tactical Bags `_ * `apps.de `_ * `Sunfluence `_ * `ggzpreventie.nl `_ * `dakuaiba.com `_ * `Wdiaz `_ * `Hunted Hive `_ * `mjollnir.org `_ * `The Beancat Network `_ * `Raquel Marón `_ * `EatLove `_ * `Hospitality Quotient `_ * `The Andrew Story `_ * `Charles Koll Jewelry `_ * `Creuna (com/dk/fi/no/se) `_ * `Coronado School of the Arts `_ * `SiteComb `_ * `Dashing Collective `_ * `Puraforce Remedies `_ * `Google's VetNet `_ * `1800RESPECT `_ * `Evenhouse Consulting `_ * `Humboldt Community Christian School `_ * `Atlanta's Living Legacy `_ * `Shipgistix `_ * `Yuberactive `_ * `Medical Myth Busters `_ * `4player Network `_ * `Top500 Supercomputers `_ * `Die Betroffenen `_ * `uvena.de `_ * `ezless.com `_ * `Dominican Python `_ * `Stackful.io `_ * `Adrenaline `_ * `ACE EdVenture Programme `_ * `Butchershop Creative `_ * `Sam Kingston `_ * `Ludwig von Mises Institute `_ * `Incendio `_ * `Alexander Lillevik `_ * `Walk In Tromsø `_ * `Mandrivia Linux `_ * `Crown Preschool `_ * `Coronado Pathways Charter School `_ * `Raindrop Marketing `_ * `Web4py `_ * `The Peculiar Store `_ * `GrinDin `_ * `4Gume `_ * `Skydivo `_ * `Noshly `_ * `Kabu Creative `_ * `KisanHub `_ * `Your Song Your Story `_ * `Kegbot `_ * `Fiz `_ * `Willborn `_ * `Copilot Co `_ * `Amblitec `_ * `Gold's Gym Utah `_ * `Appsin - Blog to Native app `_ * `Take Me East `_ * `Code Raising `_ * `ZigZag Bags `_ * `VerifIP `_ * `Clic TV `_ * `JE Rivas `_ * `Heather Gregory Nutrition `_ * `Coronado Island Realty `_ * `Loans to Homes `_ * `Gensler Group `_ * `SaniCo `_ * `Grupo Invista `_ * `Brooklyn Navy Yard `_ * `MEZZaTHEME `_ * `Nektra Advanced Computing `_ * `Bootstrap ASAP `_ * `California Center for Jobs `_ * `Sam Kingston `_ * `Code Juggle DJ `_ * `Food News `_ * `Australian Discworld Conventions `_ * `Distilled `_ * `OpenMRP `_ * `Arkade Snowboarding `_ * `Linktective The Link Checker `_ * `Zetalab `_ * `Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists Guild `_ * `Anywhereism `_ * `Assistive Listening Device Locator `_ * `Frank & Connie Spitzer `_ * `Coronado Unified School District `_ * `Coronado Inn `_ * `Coronado Schools Foundation `_ * `Light and Life Christian School `_ * `The Morabito Group `_ * `Law Offices of Nancy Gardner `_ * `Soden & Steinberger APLC `_ * `Stalwart Communications `_ * `Ubuntu Consultants `_ * `Wine a Bit Coronado `_ * `Mercury Mastering `_ * `Flowgrammable `_ * `Shibe Mart `_ * `Carlos Isaac Balderas `_ * `Enrico Tröger `_ * `Perugini `_ * `YouPatch `_ * `Batista Peniel `_ * `Perceptyx `_ * `Guddina Coffee `_ * `Atami Escape Resort `_ * `Philip Southwell `_ * `Justine & Katie's Bowtique `_ * `The Grantwell LLC `_ * `PyCon Asia-Pacific `_ * `Nerdot `_ * `Coworking.do `_ * `Arlette Pichardo `_ * `Sani Dental Group `_ * `Biocap 06 `_ * `Python Baja California `_ * `The Art Rebellion `_ * `Engineered Arts `_ * `Paul Whipp Consulting `_ * `Lipman Art `_ * `MODCo Group `_ * `Terminal Labs `_ * `Resource Management Companies `_ * `DollFires `_ * `Quantifind `_ * `ZHackers `_ * `Open ERP Arabia `_ * `DataKind `_ * `New Zealand Institute of Economic Research `_ * `CodingHouse `_ * `Triple J Products `_ * `Aaron E. Balderas `_ * `DVD.nl `_ * `Constantia Fabrics `_ * `Potrillo al Pie `_ * `Skyfalk Web Studio `_ * `Firefox OS Partners `_ * `You Name It `_ * `Atlas of Human Infectious Diseases `_ * `The Entrepreneurial School `_ * `Wednesday Martin `_ * `Avaris to Avanim `_ * `Cognitions Coaching and Consulting `_ * `Foundation Engineering Group `_ * `Hivelocity `_ * `Zooply `_ * `Oceana Technologies `_ * `TerraHub `_ * `djangoproject.jp `_ * `Joshua Ginsberg `_ * `Savant Digital `_ * `weBounty `_ * `Oxfam America `_ * `Artivest `_ * `Dark Matter Sheep `_ * `Mission Healthcare `_ * `Two Forty Fives `_ * `Rodeo Austin `_ * `Krisers `_ * `Intentional Creation `_ * `BytesArea `_ * `Debra Solomon `_ * `Pampanga Food Company `_ * `Aman Sinaya `_ * `Deschamps osteo `_ * `Deschamps kine `_ * `Creactu `_ * `scrunch `_ * `App Dynamics `_ * `Homespun Music Instruction `_ * `Fusionbox `_ * `The Street University `_ * `Glebe `_ * `CeoDental Seminars `_ * `Pay By Super `_ * `Noffs `_ * `Spokade `_ * `Brisbane Prosthodontics `_ * `Carbonised `_ * `Derry Donnell `_ * `Dr Kenneth Cutbush `_ * `American Institute for Foreign Study `_ * `Camp America `_ * `Code Source `_ * `The Federation of Egalitarian Communities `_ * `Caffeinated Lifestyle `_ * `The National: New Australian Art `_ .. _`Mezzanine Grid on djangopackages.com`: http://www.djangopackages.com/grids/g/mezzanine/ .. _`Cartridge`: http://cartridge.jupo.org/ .. _`Drum`: https://github.com/stephenmcd/drum .. _`Hacker News`: https://news.ycombinator.com .. _`Reddit`: http://www.reddit.com .. _`mezzanine-html5boilerplate`: https://github.com/tvon/mezzanine-html5boilerplate .. _`mezzanine-html5boilerplate`: https://github.com/tvon/mezzanine-html5boilerplate .. _`html5boilerplate project`: http://html5boilerplate.com/ .. _`mezzanine-mdown`: https://bitbucket.org/onelson/mezzanine-mdown .. _`Markdown`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown .. _`mezzanine-openshift`: https://github.com/overshard/mezzanine-openshift .. _`Redhat's OpenShift`: https://openshift.redhat.com/ .. _`Ansible`: http://www.ansible.com/ .. _`mezzanine-stackato`: https://github.com/Stackato-Apps/mezzanine .. _`ActiveState's Stackato`: http://www.activestate.com/stackato .. _`mezzanine-blocks`: https://github.com/renyi/mezzanine-blocks .. _`mezzanine-widgets`: https://github.com/osiloke/mezzanine_widgets .. _`mezzanine-themes`: https://github.com/renyi/mezzanine-themes .. _`mezzanine-twittertopic`: https://github.com/lockhart/mezzanine-twittertopic .. _`mezzanine-captcha`: https://github.com/mjtorn/mezzanine-captcha .. _`mezzanine-bookmarks`: https://github.com/adieu/mezzanine-bookmarks .. _`mezzanine-events`: https://github.com/stbarnabas/mezzanine-events .. _`mezzanine-polls`: https://github.com/sebasmagri/mezzanine_polls .. _`mezzanine-pagedown`: https://bitbucket.org/akhayyat/mezzanine-pagedown .. _`PageDown`: https://code.google.com/p/pagedown/ .. _`mezzanine-careers`: https://github.com/mogga/mezzanine-careers .. _`mezzanine-recipes`: https://github.com/tjetzinger/mezzanine-recipes .. _`mezzanine-slides`: https://github.com/overshard/mezzanine-slides .. _`mezzyblocks`: https://github.com/jardaroh/mezzyblocks .. _`mezzanine-flexipage`: https://github.com/mrmagooey/mezzanine-flexipage .. _`mezzanine-wiki`: https://github.com/dfalk/mezzanine-wiki .. _`mezzanine-instagram`: https://github.com/shurik/Mezzanine_Instagram .. _`mezzanine-calendar`: https://github.com/shurik/mezzanine.calendar .. _`mezzanine-facebook`: https://github.com/shurik/Mezzanine_Facebook .. _`mezzanine-instagram-gallery`: https://github.com/georgeyk/mezzanine-instagram-gallery .. _`mezzanine-cli`: https://github.com/adieu/mezzanine-cli .. _`mezzanine-categorylink`: https://github.com/mjtorn/mezzanine-categorylink .. _`mezzanine-podcast`: https://github.com/carpie/mezzanine-podcast .. _`mezzanine-linkcollection`: https://github.com/mjtorn/mezzanine-linkcollection .. _`cash-generator`: https://github.com/ambientsound/cash-generator .. _`GnuCash`: http://www.gnucash.org/ .. _`mezzanine-foundation`: https://github.com/zgohr/mezzanine-foundation .. _`Zurb Foundation`: http://foundation.zurb.com/ .. _`mezzanine-file-collections`: https://github.com/thibault/mezzanine-file-collections .. _`mezzanine-wymeditor`: https://github.com/excieve/mezzanine-wymeditor .. _`WYMeditor`: http://wymeditor.github.io/wymeditor/ .. _`mezzanine-meze`: https://github.com/abakan/mezzanine-meze .. _`reStructuredText`: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html .. _`Pygments`: http://pygments.org/ .. _`mezzanine-pageimages`: https://github.com/bcs-de/mezzanine-pageimages .. _`mezzanine-protected-pages`: https://github.com/evilchili/mezzanine-protected-pages .. _`mezzanine-page-auth`: https://github.com/simodalla/mezzanine_page_auth .. _`django-widgy`: http://django-widgy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ .. _`mezzanine-admin-backup`: https://bitbucket.org/joshcartme/mezzanine-admin-backup .. _`mezzanine-mailchimp`: https://bitbucket.org/naritas/mezzanine-mailchimp .. _`mezzanine-grappelli`: https://github.com/sephii/mezzanine-grappelli .. _`mezzanine-workout`: https://github.com/kampfschlaefer/mezzanine-workout .. _`mezzanine-agenda`: https://github.com/jpells/mezzanine-agenda .. _`mezzanine-dpaste`: https://github.com/prikhi/mezzanine-dpaste .. _`mezzanine-linkdump`: https://github.com/prikhi/mezzanine-linkdump .. _`mezzanine-people`: https://github.com/eci/mezzanine-people .. _`mezzanine-webf`: https://github.com/jerivas/mezzanine-webf .. _`mezzanineopenshift`: https://bitbucket.org/radeksvarz/mezzanineopenshift .. _`mezzanine-bsbanners`: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/mezzanine-bsbanners .. _`mezzanine-business-theme`: https://github.com/dfalk/mezzanine-business-theme .. _`open-helpdesk`: https://github.com/simodalla/open-helpdesk .. _`mezzanine-invites`: https://github.com/averagehuman/mezzanine-invites .. _`ansible-mezzanine`: https://github.com/keithadavidson/ansible-mezzanine .. _`mezzanine-modal-announcements`: https://github.com/joshcartme/mezzanine-modal-announcements .. _`mezzanine-buffer`: https://github.com/caffodian/mezzanine-buffer .. _`Buffer`: http://buffer.com .. _`mezzanine-slideshows`: https://github.com/philipsouthwell/mezzanine-slideshows .. _`mezzanine-onepage`: https://github.com/lucmilland/mezzanine-onepage .. _`mezzanine-api`: https://github.com/gcushen/mezzanine-api .. _`mezzanine-smartling`: https://github.com/Appdynamics/mezzanine-smartling .. _`mezzanine-shortcodes`: https://github.com/ryneeverett/mezzanine-shortcodes .. _`Wordpress shortcodes`: https://codex.wordpress.org/Shortcode .. _`Smartling Translations`: http://www.smartling.com/ .. _`dpaste`: https://github.com/bartTC/dpaste .. _`Python`: http://python.org/ .. _`django-contrib-comments`: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-contrib-comments .. _`bleach`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/bleach .. _`BeautifulSoup`: http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/ .. _`pytz`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytz/ .. _`tzlocal`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/tzlocal/ .. _`django-compressor`: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django_compressor .. _`Python Imaging Library`: http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/ .. _`Pillow`: https://github.com/python-imaging/Pillow .. _`grappelli-safe`: http://github.com/stephenmcd/grappelli-safe .. _`filebrowser-safe`: http://github.com/stephenmcd/filebrowser-safe/ .. _`Grappelli`: http://code.google.com/p/django-grappelli/ .. _`FileBrowser`: http://code.google.com/p/django-filebrowser/ .. _`pip`: http://www.pip-installer.org/ .. _`requests`: http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/ .. _`requests_oauthlib`: http://requests-oauthlib.readthedocs.org/ .. _`pyflakes`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyflakes .. _`chardet`: https://chardet.readthedocs.org .. _`pep8`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pep8 .. _`specialized instructions for installing Pillow`: https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html .. _`Homebrew`: http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/ .. _`django-modeltranslation`: http://django-modeltranslation.readthedocs.org