
Mezzanine makes use of Django’s sites app to support multiple sites in a single project. This functionality is always “turned on” in Mezzanine: a single Site record always exists, and is referenced when retrieving site related data, which most content in Mezzanine falls under.

Where Mezzanine diverges from Django is how the Site record is retrieved. Typically a running instance of a Django project is bound to a single site defined by the SITE_ID setting, so while a project may contain support for multiple sites, a separate running instance of the project is required per site.

Mezzanine uses a pipeline of checks to determine which site to reference when accessing content. The most important of these is the one where the host name of the current request is compared to the domain name specified for each Site record. With this in place, true multi-tenancy is achieved, and multiple sites can be hosted within a single running instance of the project.

Here’s the list of checks in the pipeline, in order:

  • The session variable site_id. This allows a project to include features where a user’s session is explicitly associated with a site. Mezzanine uses this in its admin to allow admin users to switch between sites to manage, while accessing the admin on a single domain.
  • The domain matching the host of the current request, as described above.
  • The environment variable MEZZANINE_SITE_ID. This allows developers to specify the site for contexts outside of a HTTP request, such as management commands. Mezzanine includes a custom which will check for (and remove) a --site=ID argument.
  • Finally, Mezzanine will fall back to the SITE_ID setting if none of the above checks can occur.

Per-site Themes

Consider a project for an organization or business with several related domains that are to be managed by the same people, or for which sharing of resources is a big benefit. These related domains can share the same Django process, which can offer easier management and reduced resource needs in the server environment.

The domains involved could have a direct subsidiary relationship, as with and several subdomains, or they may be completely separate domains, as with,, Either way, the domains are different hosts to which themes may be independently associated using the HOST_THEMES setting:

# For a main domain and several subdomains.
HOST_THEMES = [('', 'example_theme'),
               ('', 'something_theme'),
               ('', 'somethingelse_theme')]

# or for separate domains,
HOST_THEMES = [('', 'example_theme'),
               ('', 'example_theme'),
               ('', 'example2_theme'),
               ('', 'example3_theme')]

In either HOST_THEMES example above, there are three themes. Let’s continue with the second case, for,, and, for which there are three theme apps constructed: example_theme, example2_theme, and example3_theme. The following treatment illustrates a kind of theme inheritance across the domains, with example_theme serving as the “base” theme. Suppose example_theme contains a dedicated page content type (see Creating Custom Content Types), we’ll call it the HomePage, which is given a model definition in example_theme/, along with any other theme-related custom content definitions.

Here is the layout for example_theme, the “base” theme in this arrangement:

/example_theme <-- has a HomePage type, subclassing Page
        /base.html <-- used by this and the other two themes
            /index.html <-- for the HomePage content type
    /templatetags <-- for code supporting HomePage functionality

The second and third themes, example2_theme and example3_theme, could be just as expansive, or they could be much simplified, as shown by this layout for example2_theme (example3_theme could be identical):

            /index.html <-- for the HomePage content type

Each theme would be listed under the INSTALLED_APPS setting, with the “base” theme, example_theme, listed first.

The project’s main would need the following line active, so that “/” is the target URL Mezzanine finds for home page rendering (via the HomePage content type):

url("^$", "", {"slug": "/"}, name="home"),

Mezzanine will look for a page instance at ‘/’ for each theme. HomePage instances would be created via the admin system for each site, and given the URL of ‘/’ under the “Meta data” URL field. (Log in to /admin, pick each site, in turn, creating a HomePage instance, and editing the “Meta data” URL of each).

Although these aren’t the only commands involved, they are useful during the development process:

* ``python startapp theme`` - start a theme; add/edit files
  next; add to INSTALLED_APPS before restart
* ``python syncdb --migrate`` - after changes to themes;
  could require writing migrations
* ``python collectstatic`` - gather static resources from the
  themes on occasion

Finally, under /admin, these sites will share some resources, such as the media library, while there is separation of content stored in the database (independent HomePage instances, independant blog posts, an independent page hierarchy, etc.). Furthermore, the content types added to, say example_theme, e.g. HomePage, are shared and available in the different sites. Such nuances of sharing must be considered when employing this approach.

Upgrading from TemplateForHostMiddleware

Mezzanine implements host-specific templates using a template loader since version 4.3. Prior to that, the TemplateForHostMiddleware was used. If you are upgrading from a version lower than 4.3 and getting warnings in the terminal about TemplateForHostMiddleware, edit your to switch to the new loader-based approach:

  • Remove TemplateForHostMiddleware from your MIDDLEWARE or MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting.
  • Remove "APP_DIRS": True from your TEMPLATES setting.
  • Add mezzanine.template.loaders.host_themes.Loader to the list of template loaders.

Your TEMPLATES setting should look like this (notice the "loaders" key):

        "BACKEND": "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates",
        "DIRS": [...],
        "OPTIONS": {
            "context_processors": [...],
            "builtins": [...],
            "loaders": [