from __future__ import division, unicode_literals
import warnings
from future.builtins import int
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from urllib.parse import urlencode
except ImportError: # Python 2
from urllib import urlencode
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
except ImportError: # Python 2
from urllib2 import Request, urlopen
import django
from django.contrib.auth import get_permission_codename
from django.core.paginator import Paginator, InvalidPage, EmptyPage
from django.forms import EmailField, URLField, Textarea
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.template.response import TemplateResponse
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
import mezzanine
from mezzanine.conf import settings
from mezzanine.utils.deprecation import is_authenticated
from mezzanine.utils.importing import import_dotted_path
from mezzanine.utils.sites import has_site_permission
[docs]def is_editable(obj, request):
Returns ``True`` if the object is editable for the request. First
check for a custom ``editable`` handler on the object, otherwise
use the logged in user and check change permissions for the
object's model.
if hasattr(obj, "is_editable"):
return obj.is_editable(request)
codename = get_permission_codename("change", obj._meta)
perm = "%s.%s" % (obj._meta.app_label, codename)
return (is_authenticated(request.user) and
has_site_permission(request.user) and
[docs]def ip_for_request(request):
Returns ip address for request - first checks ``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR``
header, since app will generally be behind a public web server.
meta = request.META
return meta.get("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", meta["REMOTE_ADDR"]).split(",")[0]
[docs]def is_spam_akismet(request, form, url):
Identifies form data as being spam, using the
service. The Akismet API key should be specified in the
``AKISMET_API_KEY`` setting. This function is the default spam
handler defined in the ``SPAM_FILTERS`` setting.
The name, email, url and comment fields are all guessed from the
form fields:
* name: First field labelled "Name", also taking i18n into account.
* email: First ``EmailField`` field.
* url: First ``URLField`` field.
* comment: First field with a ``Textarea`` widget.
If the actual comment can't be extracted, spam checking is passed.
The referrer field expects a hidden form field to pass the referrer
through, since the HTTP_REFERER will be the URL the form is posted
from. The hidden referrer field is made available by default with
the ``{% fields_for %}`` templatetag used for rendering form fields.
if not settings.AKISMET_API_KEY:
return False
protocol = "http" if not request.is_secure() else "https"
host = protocol + "://" + request.get_host()
data = {
"blog": host,
"user_ip": ip_for_request(request),
"user_agent": request.META.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT", ""),
"referrer": request.POST.get("referrer", ""),
"permalink": host + url,
"comment_type": "comment" if "comment" in request.POST else "form",
for name, field in form.fields.items():
data_field = None
if field.label and field.label.lower() in ("name", _("Name").lower()):
data_field = "comment_author"
elif isinstance(field, EmailField):
data_field = "comment_author_email"
elif isinstance(field, URLField):
data_field = "comment_author_url"
elif isinstance(field.widget, Textarea):
data_field = "comment_content"
if data_field and not data.get(data_field):
cleaned_data = form.cleaned_data.get(name)
data[data_field] = cleaned_data.encode('utf-8')
except UnicodeEncodeError:
data[data_field] = cleaned_data
if not data.get("comment_content"):
return False
api_url = ("" %
versions = (django.get_version(), mezzanine.__version__)
headers = {"User-Agent": "Django/%s | Mezzanine/%s" % versions}
response = urlopen(Request(api_url, urlencode(data).encode('utf-8'),
except Exception:
return False
# Python 3 returns response as a bytestring, Python 2 as a regular str
return response in (b'true', 'true')
[docs]def is_spam(request, form, url):
Main entry point for spam handling - called from the comment view and
page processor for ``mezzanine.forms``, to check if posted content is
spam. Spam filters are configured via the ``SPAM_FILTERS`` setting.
for spam_filter_path in settings.SPAM_FILTERS:
spam_filter = import_dotted_path(spam_filter_path)
if spam_filter(request, form, url):
return True
[docs]def paginate(objects, page_num, per_page, max_paging_links):
Return a paginated page for the given objects, giving it a custom
``visible_page_range`` attribute calculated from ``max_paging_links``.
if not per_page:
return Paginator(objects, 0)
paginator = Paginator(objects, per_page)
page_num = int(page_num)
except ValueError:
page_num = 1
objects =
except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage):
objects =
page_range = objects.paginator.page_range
if len(page_range) > max_paging_links:
start = min(objects.paginator.num_pages - max_paging_links,
max(0, objects.number - (max_paging_links // 2) - 1))
page_range = list(page_range)[start:start + max_paging_links]
objects.visible_page_range = page_range
return objects
[docs]def render(request, templates, dictionary=None, context_instance=None,
Mimics ``django.shortcuts.render`` but uses a TemplateResponse for
"mezzanine.utils.views.render is deprecated and will be removed "
"in a future version. Please update your project to use Django's "
"TemplateResponse, which now provides equivalent functionality.",
dictionary = dictionary or {}
if context_instance:
context_instance = RequestContext(request, dictionary)
return TemplateResponse(request, templates, context_instance, **kwargs)
[docs]def set_cookie(response, name, value, expiry_seconds=None, secure=False):
Set cookie wrapper that allows number of seconds to be given as the
expiry time, and ensures values are correctly encoded.
if expiry_seconds is None:
expiry_seconds = 90 * 24 * 60 * 60 # Default to 90 days.
expires = datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow() +
"%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
# Django doesn't seem to support unicode cookie keys correctly on
# Python 2. Work around by encoding it. See
response.set_cookie(name, value, expires=expires, secure=secure)
except (KeyError, TypeError):
response.set_cookie(name.encode('utf-8'), value, expires=expires,