from __future__ import unicode_literals
from future.builtins import bytes, str
from django.contrib.auth.tokens import default_token_generator
from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives
from django.urls import reverse
from django.template import loader
from django.utils.http import int_to_base36
from mezzanine.conf import settings
from mezzanine.utils.urls import admin_url, next_url
from mezzanine.conf.context_processors import settings as context_settings
[docs]def split_addresses(email_string_list):
Converts a string containing comma separated email addresses
into a list of email addresses.
return [f for f in [s.strip() for s in email_string_list.split(",")] if f]
[docs]def subject_template(template, context):
Loads and renders an email subject template, returning the
subject string.
subject = loader.get_template(template).render(context)
return " ".join(subject.splitlines()).strip()
[docs]def send_mail_template(subject, template, addr_from, addr_to, context=None,
attachments=None, fail_silently=None, addr_bcc=None,
Send email rendering text and html versions for the specified
template name using the context dictionary passed in.
if context is None:
context = {}
if attachments is None:
attachments = []
if fail_silently is None:
fail_silently = settings.EMAIL_FAIL_SILENTLY
# Add template accessible settings from Mezzanine to the context
# (normally added by a context processor for HTTP requests).
# Allow for a single address to be passed in.
# Python 3 strings have an __iter__ method, so the following hack
# doesn't work: if not hasattr(addr_to, "__iter__"):
if isinstance(addr_to, str) or isinstance(addr_to, bytes):
addr_to = [addr_to]
if addr_bcc is not None and (isinstance(addr_bcc, str) or
isinstance(addr_bcc, bytes)):
addr_bcc = [addr_bcc]
# Loads a template passing in vars as context.
render = lambda type: loader.get_template("%s.%s" %
(template, type)).render(context)
# Create and send email.
msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, render("txt"),
addr_from, addr_to, addr_bcc,
msg.attach_alternative(render("html"), "text/html")
for attachment in attachments:
[docs]def send_verification_mail(request, user, verification_type):
Sends an email with a verification link to users when
``ACCOUNTS_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED`` is ```True`` and they're signing
up, or when they reset a lost password.
The ``verification_type`` arg is both the name of the urlpattern for
the verification link, as well as the names of the email templates
to use.
verify_url = reverse(verification_type, kwargs={
"uidb36": int_to_base36(,
"token": default_token_generator.make_token(user),
}) + "?next=" + (next_url(request) or "/")
context = {
"request": request,
"user": user,
"verify_url": verify_url,
subject_template_name = "email/%s_subject.txt" % verification_type
subject = subject_template(subject_template_name, context)
send_mail_template(subject, "email/%s" % verification_type,
[docs]def send_approve_mail(request, user):
Sends an email to staff in listed in the setting
``ACCOUNTS_APPROVAL_EMAILS``, when a new user signs up and the
``ACCOUNTS_APPROVAL_REQUIRED`` setting is ``True``.
approval_emails = split_addresses(settings.ACCOUNTS_APPROVAL_EMAILS)
if not approval_emails:
context = {
"request": request,
"user": user,
"change_url": admin_url(user.__class__, "change",,
subject = subject_template("email/account_approve_subject.txt", context)
send_mail_template(subject, "email/account_approve",
settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, approval_emails,
[docs]def send_approved_mail(request, user):
Sends an email to a user once their ``is_active`` status goes from
``False`` to ``True`` when the ``ACCOUNTS_APPROVAL_REQUIRED``
setting is ``True``.
context = {"request": request, "user": user}
subject = subject_template("email/account_approved_subject.txt", context)
send_mail_template(subject, "email/account_approved",