from __future__ import unicode_literals
from future.builtins import str
from mezzanine.utils.sites import override_current_site_id
from urllib.parse import urljoin
except ImportError: # Python 2
from urlparse import urljoin
from django.urls import resolve, reverse
from django.db import models
from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _, ugettext
from mezzanine.conf import settings
from mezzanine.core.models import (
ContentTyped, Displayable, Orderable, RichText)
from mezzanine.pages.fields import MenusField
from mezzanine.pages.managers import PageManager
from mezzanine.utils.urls import path_to_slug
from mezzanine.core.models import wrapped_manager
[docs]class BasePage(Orderable, Displayable):
Exists solely to store ``PageManager`` as the main manager.
If it's defined on ``Page``, a concrete model, then each
``Page`` subclass loses the custom manager.
objects = wrapped_manager(PageManager)
class Meta:
abstract = True
class Page(BasePage, ContentTyped):
A page in the page tree. This is the base class that custom content types
need to subclass.
parent = models.ForeignKey("Page", on_delete=models.CASCADE,
blank=True, null=True, related_name="children")
in_menus = MenusField(_("Show in menus"), blank=True, null=True)
titles = models.CharField(editable=False, max_length=1000, null=True)
login_required = models.BooleanField(_("Login required"), default=False,
help_text=_("If checked, only logged in users can view this page"))
class Meta:
verbose_name = _("Page")
verbose_name_plural = _("Pages")
ordering = ("titles",)
order_with_respect_to = "parent"
def __str__(self):
return self.titles
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self):
URL for a page - for ``Link`` page types, simply return its
slug since these don't have an actual URL pattern. Also handle
the special case of the homepage being a page object.
slug = self.slug
if self.content_model == "link":
# Ensure the URL is absolute.
slug = urljoin('/', slug)
return slug
if slug == "/":
return reverse("home")
return reverse("page", kwargs={"slug": slug})
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
Create the titles field using the titles up the parent chain
and set the initial value for ordering.
titles = [self.title]
parent = self.parent
while parent is not None:
titles.insert(0, parent.title)
parent = parent.parent
self.titles = " / ".join(titles)
super(Page, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def description_from_content(self):
Override ``Displayable.description_from_content`` to load the
content type subclass for when ``save`` is called directly on a
``Page`` instance, so that all fields defined on the subclass
are available for generating the description.
if self.__class__ == Page:
if self.content_model:
return self.get_content_model().description_from_content()
return super(Page, self).description_from_content()
[docs] def get_ascendants(self, for_user=None):
Returns the ascendants for the page. Ascendants are cached in
the ``_ascendants`` attribute, which is populated when the page
is loaded via ``Page.objects.with_ascendants_for_slug``.
if not self.parent_id:
# No parents at all, bail out.
return []
if not hasattr(self, "_ascendants"):
# _ascendants has not been either page.get_ascendants or
# Page.objects.assigned by with_ascendants_for_slug, so
# run it to see if we can retrieve all parents in a single
# query, which will occur if the slugs for each of the pages
# have not been customised.
if self.slug:
kwargs = {"for_user": for_user}
with override_current_site_id(self.site_id):
pages = Page.objects.with_ascendants_for_slug(self.slug,
self._ascendants = pages[0]._ascendants
self._ascendants = []
if not self._ascendants:
# Page has a parent but with_ascendants_for_slug failed to
# find them due to custom slugs, so retrieve the parents
# recursively.
child = self
while child.parent_id is not None:
child = child.parent
return self._ascendants
[docs] def get_slug(self):
Recursively build the slug from the chain of parents.
slug = super(Page, self).get_slug()
if self.parent is not None:
return "%s/%s" % (self.parent.slug, slug)
return slug
[docs] def set_slug(self, new_slug):
Changes this page's slug, and all other pages whose slugs
start with this page's slug.
slug_prefix = "%s/" % self.slug
for page in Page.objects.filter(slug__startswith=slug_prefix):
if not page.overridden():
page.slug = new_slug + page.slug[len(self.slug):]
self.slug = new_slug
[docs] def set_parent(self, new_parent):
Change the parent of this page, changing this page's slug to match
the new parent if necessary.
self_slug = self.slug
old_parent_slug = self.parent.slug if self.parent else ""
new_parent_slug = new_parent.slug if new_parent else ""
# Make sure setting the new parent won't cause a cycle.
parent = new_parent
while parent is not None:
if ==
raise AttributeError("You can't set a page or its child as"
" a parent.")
parent = parent.parent
self.parent = new_parent
if self_slug and not (self.content_model == "link" and
if not old_parent_slug:
self.set_slug("/".join((new_parent_slug, self.slug)))
elif self.slug.startswith(old_parent_slug):
new_slug = self.slug.replace(old_parent_slug,
new_parent_slug, 1)
[docs] def overridden(self):
Returns ``True`` if the page's slug has an explicitly defined
urlpattern and is therefore considered to be overridden.
from mezzanine.pages.views import page
page_url = reverse("page", kwargs={"slug": self.slug})
resolved_view = resolve(page_url)[0]
return resolved_view != page
[docs] def can_add(self, request):
Dynamic ``add`` permission for content types to override.
return self.slug != "/"
[docs] def can_change(self, request):
Dynamic ``change`` permission for content types to override.
return True
[docs] def can_delete(self, request):
Dynamic ``delete`` permission for content types to override.
return True
[docs] def can_move(self, request, new_parent):
Dynamic ``move`` permission for content types to override. Controls
whether a given page move in the page tree is permitted. When the
permission is denied, raises a ``PageMoveException`` with a single
argument (message explaining the reason).
[docs] def set_helpers(self, context):
Called from the ``page_menu`` template tag and assigns a
handful of properties based on the current page, that are used
within the various types of menus.
current_page = context["_current_page"]
current_page_id = getattr(current_page, "id", None)
current_parent_id = getattr(current_page, "parent_id", None)
# Am I a child of the current page?
self.is_current_child = self.parent_id == current_page_id
self.is_child = self.is_current_child # Backward compatibility
# Is my parent the same as the current page's?
self.is_current_sibling = self.parent_id == current_parent_id
# Am I the current page?
request = context["request"]
except KeyError:
# No request context, most likely when tests are run.
self.is_current = False
self.is_current = self.slug == path_to_slug(request.path_info)
# Is the current page me or any page up the parent chain?
def is_c_or_a(page_id):
parent_id = context.get("_parent_page_ids", {}).get(page_id)
return == page_id or (parent_id and is_c_or_a(parent_id))
self.is_current_or_ascendant = lambda: bool(is_c_or_a(current_page_id))
self.is_current_parent = == current_parent_id
# Am I a primary page?
self.is_primary = self.parent_id is None
# What's an ID I can use in HTML?
self.html_id = self.slug.replace("/", "-")
# Default branch level - gets assigned in the page_menu tag.
self.branch_level = 0
def in_menu_template(self, template_name):
if self.in_menus is not None:
for i, l, t in settings.PAGE_MENU_TEMPLATES:
if not str(i) in self.in_menus and t == template_name:
return False
return True
[docs] def get_template_name(self):
Subclasses can implement this to provide a template to use
in ````.
return None
[docs]class RichTextPage(Page, RichText):
Implements the default type of page with a single Rich Text
content field.
class Meta:
verbose_name = _("Rich text page")
verbose_name_plural = _("Rich text pages")
[docs]class Link(Page):
A general content type for creating external links in the page
class Meta:
verbose_name = _("Link")
verbose_name_plural = _("Links")
[docs]class PageMoveException(Exception):
Raised by ``can_move()`` when the move permission is denied. Takes
an optinal single argument: a message explaining the denial.
def __init__(self, msg=None):
self.msg = msg or ugettext("Illegal page move")
def __str__(self):
return self.msg
__unicode__ = __str__