Source code for mezzanine.generic.templatetags.comment_tags

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from future.builtins import int

from collections import defaultdict

from django.urls import reverse
from django.template.defaultfilters import linebreaksbr, urlize

from mezzanine import template
from mezzanine.conf import settings
from mezzanine.generic.models import ThreadedComment
from mezzanine.utils.importing import import_dotted_path

register = template.Library()

[docs]@register.inclusion_tag("generic/includes/comments.html", takes_context=True) def comments_for(context, obj): """ Provides a generic context variable name for the object that comments are being rendered for. """ form_class = import_dotted_path(settings.COMMENT_FORM_CLASS) form = form_class(context["request"], obj) context_form = context.get("posted_comment_form", form) context.update({ 'posted_comment_form': context_form if context_form.target_object == obj else form, 'unposted_comment_form': form, 'comment_url': reverse("comment"), 'object_for_comments': obj, }) return context.flatten()
[docs]@register.inclusion_tag("generic/includes/comment.html", takes_context=True) def comment_thread(context, parent): """ Return a list of child comments for the given parent, storing all comments in a dict in the context when first called, using parents as keys for retrieval on subsequent recursive calls from the comments template. """ if "all_comments" not in context: comments = defaultdict(list) if "request" in context and context["request"].user.is_staff: comments_queryset = parent.comments.all() else: comments_queryset = parent.comments.visible() for comment in comments_queryset.select_related("user"): comments[comment.replied_to_id].append(comment) context["all_comments"] = comments parent_id = if isinstance(parent, ThreadedComment) else None try: replied_to = int(context["request"].POST["replied_to"]) except KeyError: replied_to = 0 context.update({ "comments_for_thread": context["all_comments"].get(parent_id, []), "no_comments": parent_id is None and not context["all_comments"], "replied_to": replied_to, }) return context.flatten()
[docs]@register.inclusion_tag("admin/includes/recent_comments.html", takes_context=True) def recent_comments(context): """ Dashboard widget for displaying recent comments. """ latest = context["settings"].COMMENTS_NUM_LATEST comments = ThreadedComment.objects.all().select_related("user") context["comments"] = comments.order_by("-id")[:latest] return context.flatten()
[docs]@register.filter def comment_filter(comment_text): """ Passed comment text to be rendered through the function defined by the ``COMMENT_FILTER`` setting. If no function is defined (the default), Django's ``linebreaksbr`` and ``urlize`` filters are used. """ filter_func = settings.COMMENT_FILTER if not filter_func: def filter_func(s): return linebreaksbr(urlize(s, autoescape=True), autoescape=True) elif not callable(filter_func): filter_func = import_dotted_path(filter_func) return filter_func(comment_text)