Source code for mezzanine.generic.admin
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import admin
from django_comments.admin import CommentsAdmin
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from mezzanine.generic.models import ThreadedComment
__all__ = ('ThreadedCommentAdmin',)
[docs]class ThreadedCommentAdmin(CommentsAdmin):
Admin class for comments.
list_display = ("avatar_link", "intro", "submit_date", "is_public",
"is_removed", "admin_link")
list_display_links = ("intro", "submit_date")
list_filter = [f for f in CommentsAdmin.list_filter if f != "site"]
fieldsets = (
(_("User"), {"fields": ("user_name", "user_email", "user_url")}),
(None, {"fields": ("comment", ("is_public", "is_removed"))}),
def get_actions(self, request):
actions = super(CommentsAdmin, self).get_actions(request)
return actions
# Disable the 'Add' action for this model, fixed a crash if you try
# to create a comment from admin panel
def has_add_permission(self, request):
return False
generic_comments = getattr(settings, "COMMENTS_APP", "") == "mezzanine.generic"
using_disqus = bool(getattr(settings, "COMMENTS_DISQUS_SHORTNAME", False))
if generic_comments and not using_disqus:, ThreadedCommentAdmin)