Source code for mezzanine.core.templatetags.mezzanine_tags

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
from future.builtins import int, open, str

from hashlib import md5
import os
    from urllib.parse import quote, unquote
except ImportError:
    from urllib import quote, unquote

from django.apps import apps
from django.contrib import admin
from django.contrib.auth import REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.core.files import File
from import default_storage
from django.urls import reverse, resolve, NoReverseMatch
from django.db.models import Model
from django.template import Node, Template, TemplateSyntaxError
from django.template.base import (TOKEN_BLOCK, TOKEN_COMMENT,
                                  TOKEN_TEXT, TOKEN_VAR, TextNode)
from django.template.defaultfilters import escape
from django.template.loader import get_template
from django.utils import translation
from django.utils.html import strip_tags
from django.utils.text import capfirst
from django.utils.safestring import SafeText, mark_safe

from mezzanine.conf import settings
from mezzanine.core.fields import RichTextField
from mezzanine.core.forms import get_edit_form
from mezzanine.utils.cache import nevercache_token, cache_installed
from mezzanine.utils.html import decode_entities
from mezzanine.utils.importing import import_dotted_path
from mezzanine.utils.sites import current_site_id, has_site_permission
from mezzanine.utils.urls import admin_url, home_slug
from mezzanine.utils.views import is_editable
from mezzanine import template

register = template.Library()

if "compressor" in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
    def compress(parser, token):
        Shadows django-compressor's compress tag so it can be
        loaded from ``mezzanine_tags``, allowing us to provide
        a dummy version when django-compressor isn't installed.
        from compressor.templatetags.compress import compress
        return compress(parser, token)
[docs] @register.to_end_tag def compress(parsed, context, token): """ Dummy tag for fallback when django-compressor isn't installed. """ return parsed
def initialize_nevercache(): if cache_installed(): @register.tag def nevercache(parser, token): """ Tag for two phased rendering. Converts enclosed template code and content into text, which gets rendered separately in ``mezzanine.core.middleware.UpdateCacheMiddleware``. This is to bypass caching for the enclosed code and content. """ text = [] end_tag = "endnevercache" tag_mapping = { TOKEN_TEXT: ("", ""), TOKEN_VAR: ("{{", "}}"), TOKEN_BLOCK: ("{%", "%}"), TOKEN_COMMENT: ("{#", "#}"), } delimiter = nevercache_token() while parser.tokens: token = parser.next_token() token_type = token.token_type if token_type == TOKEN_BLOCK and token.contents == end_tag: return TextNode(delimiter + "".join(text) + delimiter) start, end = tag_mapping[token_type] text.append("%s%s%s" % (start, token.contents, end)) parser.unclosed_block_tag(end_tag) else: @register.to_end_tag def nevercache(parsed, context, token): """ Dummy fallback ``nevercache`` for when caching is not configured. """ return parsed initialize_nevercache()
[docs]@register.simple_tag(takes_context=True) def fields_for(context, form, template="includes/form_fields.html"): """ Renders fields for a form with an optional template choice. """ context["form_for_fields"] = form return get_template(template).render(context.flatten())
[docs]@register.inclusion_tag("includes/form_errors.html") def errors_for(form): """ Renders an alert if the form has any errors. """ return {"form": form}
[docs]@register.filter def sort_by(items, attr): """ General sort filter - sorts by either attribute or key. """ def key_func(item): try: return getattr(item, attr) except AttributeError: try: return item[attr] except TypeError: getattr(item, attr) # Reraise AttributeError return sorted(items, key=key_func)
[docs]@register.filter def is_installed(app_name): """ Returns ``True`` if the given app name is in the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting. """ from warnings import warn warn("The is_installed filter is deprecated. Please use the tag " "{% ifinstalled appname %}{% endifinstalled %}") return app_name in settings.INSTALLED_APPS
[docs]@register.tag def ifinstalled(parser, token): """ Old-style ``if`` tag that renders contents if the given app is installed. The main use case is: {% ifinstalled app_name %} {% include "app_name/template.html" %} {% endifinstalled %} so we need to manually pull out all tokens if the app isn't installed, since if we used a normal ``if`` tag with a False arg, the include tag will still try and find the template to include. """ try: tag, app = token.split_contents() except ValueError: raise TemplateSyntaxError("ifinstalled should be in the form: " "{% ifinstalled app_name %}" "{% endifinstalled %}") end_tag = "end" + tag unmatched_end_tag = 1 if app.strip("\"'") not in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: while unmatched_end_tag: token = parser.tokens.pop(0) if token.token_type == TOKEN_BLOCK: block_name = token.contents.split()[0] if block_name == tag: unmatched_end_tag += 1 if block_name == end_tag: unmatched_end_tag -= 1 parser.tokens.insert(0, token) nodelist = parser.parse((end_tag,)) parser.delete_first_token() class IfInstalledNode(Node): def render(self, context): return nodelist.render(context) return IfInstalledNode()
[docs]@register.render_tag def set_short_url_for(context, token): """ Sets the ``short_url`` attribute of the given model for share links in the template. """ obj = context[token.split_contents()[1]] obj.set_short_url() return ""
[docs]@register.simple_tag def gravatar_url(email, size=32): """ Return the full URL for a Gravatar given an email hash. """ bits = (md5(email.lower().encode("utf-8")).hexdigest(), size) return "//" % bits
[docs]@register.to_end_tag def metablock(parsed): """ Remove HTML tags, entities and superfluous characters from meta blocks. """ parsed = " ".join(parsed.replace("\n", "").split()).replace(" ,", ",") return escape(strip_tags(decode_entities(parsed)))
[docs]@register.inclusion_tag("includes/pagination.html", takes_context=True) def pagination_for(context, current_page, page_var="page", exclude_vars=""): """ Include the pagination template and data for persisting querystring in pagination links. Can also contain a comma separated string of var names in the current querystring to exclude from the pagination links, via the ``exclude_vars`` arg. """ querystring = context["request"].GET.copy() exclude_vars = [v for v in exclude_vars.split(",") if v] + [page_var] for exclude_var in exclude_vars: if exclude_var in querystring: del querystring[exclude_var] querystring = querystring.urlencode() return { "current_page": current_page, "querystring": querystring, "page_var": page_var, }
[docs]@register.inclusion_tag("includes/search_form.html", takes_context=True) def search_form(context, search_model_names=None): """ Includes the search form with a list of models to use as choices for filtering the search by. Models should be a string with models in the format ``app_label.model_name`` separated by spaces. The string ``all`` can also be used, in which case the models defined by the ``SEARCH_MODEL_CHOICES`` setting will be used. """ template_vars = { "request": context["request"], } if not search_model_names or not settings.SEARCH_MODEL_CHOICES: search_model_names = [] elif search_model_names == "all": search_model_names = list(settings.SEARCH_MODEL_CHOICES) else: search_model_names = search_model_names.split(" ") search_model_choices = [] for model_name in search_model_names: try: model = apps.get_model(*model_name.split(".", 1)) except LookupError: pass else: verbose_name = model._meta.verbose_name_plural.capitalize() search_model_choices.append((verbose_name, model_name)) template_vars["search_model_choices"] = sorted(search_model_choices) return template_vars
[docs]@register.simple_tag def thumbnail(image_url, width, height, upscale=True, quality=95, left=.5, top=.5, padding=False, padding_color="#fff"): """ Given the URL to an image, resizes the image using the given width and height on the first time it is requested, and returns the URL to the new resized image. If width or height are zero then original ratio is maintained. When ``upscale`` is False, images smaller than the given size will not be grown to fill that size. The given width and height thus act as maximum dimensions. """ if not image_url: return "" try: from PIL import Image, ImageFile, ImageOps except ImportError: return "" image_url = unquote(str(image_url)).split("?")[0] if image_url.startswith(settings.MEDIA_URL): image_url = image_url.replace(settings.MEDIA_URL, "", 1) image_dir, image_name = os.path.split(image_url) image_prefix, image_ext = os.path.splitext(image_name) filetype = {".png": "PNG", ".gif": "GIF"}.get(image_ext.lower(), "JPEG") thumb_name = "%s-%sx%s" % (image_prefix, width, height) if not upscale: thumb_name += "-no-upscale" if left != .5 or top != .5: left = min(1, max(0, left)) top = min(1, max(0, top)) thumb_name = "%s-%sx%s" % (thumb_name, left, top) thumb_name += "-padded-%s" % padding_color if padding else "" thumb_name = "%s%s" % (thumb_name, image_ext) # `image_name` is used here for the directory path, as each image # requires its own sub-directory using its own name - this is so # we can consistently delete all thumbnails for an individual # image, which is something we do in filebrowser when a new image # is written, allowing us to purge any previously generated # thumbnails that may match a new image name. thumb_dir = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, image_dir, settings.THUMBNAILS_DIR_NAME, image_name) if not os.path.exists(thumb_dir): try: os.makedirs(thumb_dir) except OSError: pass thumb_path = os.path.join(thumb_dir, thumb_name) thumb_url = "%s/%s/%s" % (settings.THUMBNAILS_DIR_NAME, quote(image_name.encode("utf-8")), quote(thumb_name.encode("utf-8"))) image_url_path = os.path.dirname(image_url) if image_url_path: thumb_url = "%s/%s" % (image_url_path, thumb_url) try: thumb_exists = os.path.exists(thumb_path) except UnicodeEncodeError: # The image that was saved to a filesystem with utf-8 support, # but somehow the locale has changed and the filesystem does not # support utf-8. from mezzanine.core.exceptions import FileSystemEncodingChanged raise FileSystemEncodingChanged() if thumb_exists: # Thumbnail exists, don't generate it. return thumb_url elif not default_storage.exists(image_url): # Requested image does not exist, just return its URL. return image_url f = try: image = except: # Invalid image format. return image_url image_info = # Transpose to align the image to its orientation if necessary. # If the image is transposed, delete the exif information as # not all browsers support the CSS image-orientation: # - try: orientation = image._getexif().get(0x0112) except: orientation = None if orientation: methods = { 2: (Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT,), 3: (Image.ROTATE_180,), 4: (Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM,), 5: (Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT, Image.ROTATE_90), 6: (Image.ROTATE_270,), 7: (Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT, Image.ROTATE_270), 8: (Image.ROTATE_90,)}.get(orientation, ()) if methods: image_info.pop('exif', None) for method in methods: image = image.transpose(method) to_width = int(width) to_height = int(height) from_width = image.size[0] from_height = image.size[1] if not upscale: to_width = min(to_width, from_width) to_height = min(to_height, from_height) # Set dimensions. if to_width == 0: to_width = from_width * to_height // from_height elif to_height == 0: to_height = from_height * to_width // from_width if image.mode not in ("P", "L", "RGBA") \ and filetype not in ("JPG", "JPEG"): try: image = image.convert("RGBA") except: return image_url # Required for progressive jpgs. ImageFile.MAXBLOCK = 2 * (max(image.size) ** 2) # Padding. if padding and to_width and to_height: from_ratio = float(from_width) / from_height to_ratio = float(to_width) / to_height pad_size = None if to_ratio < from_ratio: pad_height = int(to_height * (float(from_width) / to_width)) pad_size = (from_width, pad_height) pad_top = (pad_height - from_height) // 2 pad_left = 0 elif to_ratio > from_ratio: pad_width = int(to_width * (float(from_height) / to_height)) pad_size = (pad_width, from_height) pad_top = 0 pad_left = (pad_width - from_width) // 2 if pad_size is not None: pad_container ="RGBA", pad_size, padding_color) pad_container.paste(image, (pad_left, pad_top)) image = pad_container # Create the thumbnail. to_size = (to_width, to_height) to_pos = (left, top) try: image =, to_size, Image.ANTIALIAS, 0, to_pos) image =, filetype, quality=quality, **image_info) # Push a remote copy of the thumbnail if MEDIA_URL is # absolute. if "://" in settings.MEDIA_URL: with open(thumb_path, "rb") as f:, File(f)) except Exception: # If an error occurred, a corrupted image may have been saved, # so remove it, otherwise the check for it existing will just # return the corrupted image next time it's requested. try: os.remove(thumb_path) except Exception: pass return image_url return thumb_url
[docs]@register.inclusion_tag("includes/editable_loader.html", takes_context=True) def editable_loader(context): """ Set up the required JS/CSS for the in-line editing toolbar and controls. """ user = context["request"].user template_vars = { "has_site_permission": has_site_permission(user), "request": context["request"], } if (settings.INLINE_EDITING_ENABLED and template_vars["has_site_permission"]): t = get_template("includes/editable_toolbar.html") template_vars["REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME"] = REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME template_vars["editable_obj"] = context.get("editable_obj", context.get("page", None)) template_vars["accounts_logout_url"] = context.get( "accounts_logout_url", None) template_vars["toolbar"] = t.render(template_vars) template_vars["richtext_media"] = RichTextField().formfield( ) return template_vars
[docs]@register.filter def richtext_filters(content): """ Takes a value edited via the WYSIWYG editor, and passes it through each of the functions specified by the RICHTEXT_FILTERS setting. """ for filter_name in settings.RICHTEXT_FILTERS: filter_func = import_dotted_path(filter_name) content = filter_func(content) if not isinstance(content, SafeText): # raise TypeError( # filter_name + " must mark it's return value as safe. See " # "" # "#cross-site-scripting-xss-protection") import warnings warnings.warn( filter_name + " needs to ensure that any untrusted inputs are " "properly escaped and mark the html it returns as safe. In a " "future release this will cause an exception. See " "" "cross-site-scripting-xss-protection", FutureWarning) content = mark_safe(content) return content
[docs]@register.to_end_tag def editable(parsed, context, token): """ Add the required HTML to the parsed content for in-line editing, such as the icon and edit form if the object is deemed to be editable - either it has an ``editable`` method which returns ``True``, or the logged in user has change permissions for the model. """ def parse_field(field): field = field.split(".") obj = context.get(field.pop(0), None) attr = field.pop() while field: obj = getattr(obj, field.pop(0)) if callable(obj): # Allows {% editable page.get_content_model.content %} obj = obj() return obj, attr fields = [parse_field(f) for f in token.split_contents()[1:]] if fields: fields = [f for f in fields if len(f) == 2 and f[0] is fields[0][0]] if not parsed.strip(): try: parsed = "".join([str(getattr(*field)) for field in fields]) except AttributeError: pass if settings.INLINE_EDITING_ENABLED and fields and "request" in context: obj = fields[0][0] if isinstance(obj, Model) and is_editable(obj, context["request"]): field_names = ",".join([f[1] for f in fields]) context["editable_form"] = get_edit_form(obj, field_names) context["original"] = parsed t = get_template("includes/editable_form.html") return t.render(context.flatten()) return parsed
[docs]@register.simple_tag def try_url(url_name): """ Mimics Django's ``url`` template tag but fails silently. Used for url names in admin templates as these won't resolve when admin tests are running. """ from warnings import warn warn("try_url is deprecated, use the url tag with the 'as' arg instead.") try: url = reverse(url_name) except NoReverseMatch: return "" return url
[docs]def admin_app_list(request): """ Adopted from ``django.contrib.admin.sites.AdminSite.index``. Returns a list of lists of models grouped and ordered according to ``mezzanine.conf.ADMIN_MENU_ORDER``. Called from the ``admin_dropdown_menu`` template tag as well as the ``app_list`` dashboard widget. """ app_dict = {} # Model or view --> (group index, group title, item index, item title). menu_order = {} for (group_index, group) in enumerate(settings.ADMIN_MENU_ORDER): group_title, items = group for (item_index, item) in enumerate(items): if isinstance(item, (tuple, list)): item_title, item = item else: item_title = None menu_order[item] = (group_index, group_title, item_index, item_title) # Add all registered models, using group and title from menu order. for (model, model_admin) in opts = model._meta in_menu = not hasattr(model_admin, "in_menu") or model_admin.in_menu() if hasattr(model_admin, "in_menu"): import warnings warnings.warn( 'ModelAdmin.in_menu() has been replaced with ' 'ModelAdmin.has_module_permission(request). See ' '' '#django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.has_module_permission.', DeprecationWarning) in_menu = in_menu and model_admin.has_module_permission(request) if in_menu and request.user.has_module_perms(opts.app_label): admin_url_name = "" if model_admin.has_change_permission(request): admin_url_name = "changelist" change_url = admin_url(model, admin_url_name) else: change_url = None if model_admin.has_add_permission(request): admin_url_name = "add" add_url = admin_url(model, admin_url_name) else: add_url = None if admin_url_name: model_label = "%s.%s" % (opts.app_label, opts.object_name) try: app_index, app_title, model_index, model_title = \ menu_order[model_label] except KeyError: app_index = None try: app_title = opts.app_config.verbose_name.title() except AttributeError: # Third party admin classes doing weird things. # See GH #1628 app_title = "" model_index = None model_title = None else: del menu_order[model_label] if not model_title: model_title = capfirst(model._meta.verbose_name_plural) if app_title not in app_dict: app_dict[app_title] = { "index": app_index, "name": app_title, "models": [], } app_dict[app_title]["models"].append({ "index": model_index, "perms": model_admin.get_model_perms(request), "name": model_title, "object_name": opts.object_name, "admin_url": change_url, "add_url": add_url }) # Menu may also contain view or url pattern names given as (title, name). for (item_url, item) in menu_order.items(): app_index, app_title, item_index, item_title = item try: item_url = reverse(item_url) except NoReverseMatch: continue if app_title not in app_dict: app_dict[app_title] = { "index": app_index, "name": app_title, "models": [], } app_dict[app_title]["models"].append({ "index": item_index, "perms": {"custom": True}, "name": item_title, "admin_url": item_url, }) app_list = list(app_dict.values()) sort = lambda x: (x["index"] if x["index"] is not None else 999, x["name"]) for app in app_list: app["models"].sort(key=sort) app_list.sort(key=sort) return app_list
[docs]@register.inclusion_tag("admin/includes/dropdown_menu.html", takes_context=True) def admin_dropdown_menu(context): """ Renders the app list for the admin dropdown menu navigation. """ user = context["request"].user if user.is_staff: context["dropdown_menu_app_list"] = admin_app_list(context["request"]) if user.is_superuser: sites = Site.objects.all() else: try: sites = user.sitepermissions.sites.all() except ObjectDoesNotExist: sites = Site.objects.none() context["dropdown_menu_sites"] = list(sites) context["dropdown_menu_selected_site_id"] = current_site_id() return context.flatten()
[docs]@register.inclusion_tag("admin/includes/app_list.html", takes_context=True) def app_list(context): """ Renders the app list for the admin dashboard widget. """ context["dashboard_app_list"] = admin_app_list(context["request"]) return context.flatten()
[docs]@register.inclusion_tag("admin/includes/recent_actions.html", takes_context=True) def recent_actions(context): """ Renders the recent actions list for the admin dashboard widget. """ return context.flatten()
[docs]@register.render_tag def dashboard_column(context, token): """ Takes an index for retrieving the sequence of template tags from ``mezzanine.conf.DASHBOARD_TAGS`` to render into the admin dashboard. """ column_index = int(token.split_contents()[1]) output = [] for tag in settings.DASHBOARD_TAGS[column_index]: t = Template("{%% load %s %%}{%% %s %%}" % tuple(tag.split("."))) output.append(t.render(context)) return "".join(output)
[docs]@register.simple_tag(takes_context=True) def translate_url(context, language): """ Translates the current URL for the given language code, eg: {% translate_url "de" %} """ try: request = context["request"] except KeyError: return "" view = resolve(request.path) current_language = translation.get_language() translation.activate(language) if not view.namespace and view.url_name == "home": url = home_slug() else: try: url = reverse(view.func, args=view.args, kwargs=view.kwargs) except NoReverseMatch: try: url_name = (view.url_name if not view.namespace else '%s:%s' % (view.namespace, view.url_name)) url = reverse(url_name, args=view.args, kwargs=view.kwargs) except NoReverseMatch: url_name = "admin:" + view.url_name url = reverse(url_name, args=view.args, kwargs=view.kwargs) translation.activate(current_language) qs = context['request'].META.get("QUERY_STRING", "") if qs: url += "?" + qs return url