Source code for

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from future.builtins import int

from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import re
from time import mktime, timezone
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
from xml.dom import Node

from import CommandError
from django.utils.html import linebreaks

from import BaseImporterCommand

[docs]class Command(BaseImporterCommand): """ Implements a Wordpress importer. Takes a file path or a URL for the Wordpress Extended RSS file. """ def add_arguments(self, parser): super(Command, self).add_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument( "-u", "--url", dest="url", help="URL to import file")
[docs] def get_text(self, xml, name): """ Gets the element's text value from the XML object provided. """ nodes = xml.getElementsByTagName("wp:comment_" + name)[0].childNodes accepted_types = [Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE, Node.TEXT_NODE] return "".join([ for n in nodes if n.nodeType in accepted_types])
[docs] def handle_import(self, options): """ Gets the posts from either the provided URL or the path if it is local. """ url = options.get("url") if url is None: raise CommandError("Usage is import_wordpress %s" % self.args) try: import feedparser except ImportError: raise CommandError("Could not import the feedparser library.") feed = feedparser.parse(url) # We use the minidom parser as well because feedparser won't # interpret WXR comments correctly and ends up munging them. # xml.dom.minidom is used simply to pull the comments when we # get to them. xml = parse(url) xmlitems = xml.getElementsByTagName("item") for (i, entry) in enumerate(feed["entries"]): # Get a pointer to the right position in the minidom as well. xmlitem = xmlitems[i] content = linebreaks(self.wp_caption(entry.content[0]["value"])) # Get the time struct of the published date if possible and # the updated date if we can't. pub_date = getattr(entry, "published_parsed", entry.updated_parsed) if pub_date: pub_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(pub_date)) pub_date -= timedelta(seconds=timezone) # Tags and categories are all under "tags" marked with a scheme. terms = defaultdict(set) for item in getattr(entry, "tags", []): terms[item.scheme].add(item.term) if entry.wp_post_type == "post": post = self.add_post(title=entry.title, content=content, pub_date=pub_date, tags=terms["tag"], categories=terms["category"], old_url=entry.get('link', # Get the comments from the xml doc. for c in xmlitem.getElementsByTagName("wp:comment"): name = self.get_text(c, "author") email = self.get_text(c, "author_email") url = self.get_text(c, "author_url") body = self.get_text(c, "content") pub_date = self.get_text(c, "date_gmt") fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" pub_date = datetime.strptime(pub_date, fmt) pub_date -= timedelta(seconds=timezone) self.add_comment(post=post, name=name, email=email, body=body, website=url, pub_date=pub_date) elif entry.wp_post_type == "page": old_id = getattr(entry, "wp_post_id") parent_id = getattr(entry, "wp_post_parent") self.add_page(title=entry.title, content=content, tags=terms["tag"], old_id=old_id, old_parent_id=parent_id)
[docs] def wp_caption(self, post): """ Filters a Wordpress Post for Image Captions and renders to match HTML. """ for match in re.finditer(r"\[caption (.*?)\](.*?)\[/caption\]", post): meta = '<div ' caption = '' for imatch in re.finditer(r'(\w+)="(.*?)"', if == 'id': meta += 'id="%s" ' % if == 'align': meta += 'class="wp-caption %s" ' % if == 'width': width = int( + 10 meta += 'style="width: %spx;" ' % width if == 'caption': caption = parts = (, caption) meta += '>%s<p class="wp-caption-text">%s</p></div>' % parts post = post.replace(, meta) return post