Source code for

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
from future.builtins import input, int
    from urllib.parse import urlparse
    from urlparse import urlparse

from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.contrib.redirects.models import Redirect
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.html import strip_tags

from import BlogPost, BlogCategory
from mezzanine.conf import settings
from mezzanine.core.models import CONTENT_STATUS_DRAFT
from mezzanine.core.models import CONTENT_STATUS_PUBLISHED
from mezzanine.generic.models import Keyword, ThreadedComment
from mezzanine.pages.models import RichTextPage
from mezzanine.utils.html import decode_entities

User = get_user_model()

[docs]class BaseImporterCommand(BaseCommand): """ Base importer command for blogging platform specific management commands to subclass when importing blog posts into Mezzanine. The ``handle_import`` method should be overridden to provide the import mechanism specific to the blogging platform being dealt with. """ def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( "-m", "--mezzanine-user", dest="mezzanine_user", help="Mezzanine username to assign the imported blog posts to.") parser.add_argument( "--noinput", action="store_false", dest="interactive", help="Do NOT prompt for input of any kind. " "Fields will be truncated if too long.") parser.add_argument( "-n", "--navigation", action="store_true", dest="in_navigation", help="Add any imported pages to navigation") parser.add_argument( "-f", "--footer", action="store_true", dest="in_footer", help="Add any imported pages to footer navigation") def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.posts = [] self.pages = [] super(BaseImporterCommand, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def add_post(self, title=None, content=None, old_url=None, pub_date=None, tags=None, categories=None, comments=None): """ Adds a post to the post list for processing. - ``title`` and ``content`` are strings for the post. - ``old_url`` is a string that a redirect will be created for. - ``pub_date`` is assumed to be a ``datetime`` object. - ``tags`` and ``categories`` are sequences of strings. - ``comments`` is a sequence of dicts - each dict should be the return value of ``add_comment``. """ if not title: title = strip_tags(content).split(". ")[0] title = decode_entities(title) if categories is None: categories = [] if tags is None: tags = [] if comments is None: comments = [] self.posts.append({ "title": force_text(title), "publish_date": pub_date, "content": force_text(content), "categories": categories, "tags": tags, "comments": comments, "old_url": old_url, }) return self.posts[-1]
[docs] def add_page(self, title=None, content=None, old_url=None, tags=None, old_id=None, old_parent_id=None): """ Adds a page to the list of pages to be imported - used by the Wordpress importer. """ if not title: text = decode_entities(strip_tags(content)).replace("\n", " ") title = text.split(". ")[0] if tags is None: tags = [] self.pages.append({ "title": title, "content": content, "tags": tags, "old_url": old_url, "old_id": old_id, "old_parent_id": old_parent_id, })
[docs] def add_comment(self, post=None, name=None, email=None, pub_date=None, website=None, body=None): """ Adds a comment to the post provided. """ if post is None: if not self.posts: raise CommandError("Cannot add comments without posts") post = self.posts[-1] post["comments"].append({ "user_name": name, "user_email": email, "submit_date": pub_date, "user_url": website, "comment": body, })
[docs] def trunc(self, model, prompt, **fields): """ Truncates fields values for the given model. Prompts for a new value if truncation occurs. """ for field_name, value in fields.items(): field = model._meta.get_field(field_name) max_length = getattr(field, "max_length", None) if not max_length: continue elif not prompt: fields[field_name] = value[:max_length] continue while len(value) > max_length: encoded_value = value.encode("utf-8") new_value = input("The value for the field %s.%s exceeds " "its maximum length of %s chars: %s\n\nEnter a new value " "for it, or press return to have it truncated: " % (model.__name__, field_name, max_length, encoded_value)) value = new_value if new_value else value[:max_length] fields[field_name] = value return fields
[docs] def handle(self, *args, **options): """ Processes the converted data into the Mezzanine database correctly. Attributes: mezzanine_user: the user to put this data in against date_format: the format the dates are in for posts and comments """ mezzanine_user = options.get("mezzanine_user") site = Site.objects.get_current() verbosity = int(options.get("verbosity", 1)) prompt = options.get("interactive") # Validate the Mezzanine user. if mezzanine_user is None: raise CommandError("No Mezzanine user has been specified") try: mezzanine_user = User.objects.get(username=mezzanine_user) except User.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError("Invalid Mezzanine user: %s" % mezzanine_user) # Run the subclassed ``handle_import`` and save posts, tags, # categories, and comments to the DB. self.handle_import(options) for post_data in self.posts: categories = post_data.pop("categories") tags = post_data.pop("tags") comments = post_data.pop("comments") old_url = post_data.pop("old_url") post_data = self.trunc(BlogPost, prompt, **post_data) initial = { "title": post_data.pop("title"), "user": mezzanine_user, } if post_data["publish_date"] is None: post_data["status"] = CONTENT_STATUS_DRAFT post, created = BlogPost.objects.get_or_create(**initial) for k, v in post_data.items(): setattr(post, k, v) if created and verbosity >= 1: print("Imported post: %s" % post) for name in categories: cat = self.trunc(BlogCategory, prompt, title=name) if not cat["title"]: continue cat, created = BlogCategory.objects.get_or_create(**cat) if created and verbosity >= 1: print("Imported category: %s" % cat) post.categories.add(cat) for comment in comments: comment = self.trunc(ThreadedComment, prompt, **comment) comment["site"] = site post.comments.create(**comment) if verbosity >= 1: print("Imported comment by: %s" % comment["user_name"]) self.add_meta(post, tags, prompt, verbosity, old_url) # Create any pages imported (Wordpress can include pages) in_menus = [] footer = [menu[0] for menu in settings.PAGE_MENU_TEMPLATES if menu[-1] == "pages/menus/footer.html"] if options["in_navigation"]: in_menus = [menu[0] for menu in settings.PAGE_MENU_TEMPLATES] if footer and not options["in_footer"]: in_menus.remove(footer[0]) elif footer and options["in_footer"]: in_menus = footer parents = [] for page in self.pages: tags = page.pop("tags") old_url = page.pop("old_url") old_id = page.pop("old_id") old_parent_id = page.pop("old_parent_id") page = self.trunc(RichTextPage, prompt, **page) page["status"] = CONTENT_STATUS_PUBLISHED page["in_menus"] = in_menus page, created = RichTextPage.objects.get_or_create(**page) if created and verbosity >= 1: print("Imported page: %s" % page) self.add_meta(page, tags, prompt, verbosity, old_url) parents.append({ 'old_id': old_id, 'old_parent_id': old_parent_id, 'page': page, }) for obj in parents: if obj['old_parent_id']: for parent in parents: if parent['old_id'] == obj['old_parent_id']: obj['page'].parent = parent['page'] obj['page'].save() break
[docs] def add_meta(self, obj, tags, prompt, verbosity, old_url=None): """ Adds tags and a redirect for the given obj, which is a blog post or a page. """ for tag in tags: keyword = self.trunc(Keyword, prompt, title=tag) keyword, created = Keyword.objects.get_or_create_iexact(**keyword) obj.keywords.create(keyword=keyword) if created and verbosity >= 1: print("Imported tag: %s" % keyword) if old_url is not None: old_path = urlparse(old_url).path if not old_path.strip("/"): return redirect = self.trunc(Redirect, prompt, old_path=old_path) redirect['site'] = Site.objects.get_current() redirect, created = Redirect.objects.get_or_create(**redirect) redirect.new_path = obj.get_absolute_url() if created and verbosity >= 1: print("Created redirect for: %s" % old_url)
[docs] def handle_import(self, options): """ Should be overridden by subclasses - performs the conversion from the originating data source into the lists of posts and comments ready for processing. """ raise NotImplementedError