Source code for mezzanine.utils.tests

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from future.builtins import open, range, str

from _ast import PyCF_ONLY_AST
import os
from shutil import copyfile, copytree

from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.db import connection
from django.template import Context, Template
from django.test import TestCase as BaseTestCase
from django.test.client import RequestFactory

from mezzanine.conf import settings
from mezzanine.utils.importing import path_for_import

# Ignore these warnings in pyflakes - if added to, please comment why.

    # Used to version subpackages.
    ".__version__' imported but unused",

    # No caching fallback.
    "redefinition of function 'nevercache'",

    # Dummy fallback in templates for django-compressor.
    "redefinition of function 'compress'",

    # Fabic config fallback.
    "redefinition of unused 'conf'",

    # Fixing these would make the code ugiler IMO.
    "continuation line",
    "closing bracket does not match",

    # Jython compatiblity.
    "redefinition of unused 'Image",

    # Django custom user compatibility.
    "'get_user_model' imported but unused",

    # lambdas are OK.
    "do not assign a lambda",

    # checks modules need to be imported to register check functions, they will
    # be run by Django.
    "'.checks' imported but unused"

[docs]class TestCase(BaseTestCase): """ This is the base test case providing common features for all tests across the different apps in Mezzanine. """
[docs] def setUp(self): """ Creates an admin user, sets up the debug cursor, so that we can track the number of queries used in various places, and creates a request factory for views testing. """ self._username = "test" self._password = "test" self._emailaddress = "" args = (self._username, self._emailaddress, self._password) self._user = get_user_model().objects.create_superuser(*args) self._request_factory = RequestFactory() self._debug_cursor = connection.force_debug_cursor connection.force_debug_cursor = True
[docs] def tearDown(self): """ Clean up the admin user created and debug cursor. """ self._user.delete() connection.force_debug_cursor = self._debug_cursor
[docs] def queries_used_for_template(self, template, **context): """ Return the number of queries used when rendering a template string. """ connection.queries_log.clear() t = Template(template) t.render(Context(context)) return len(connection.queries)
[docs] def create_recursive_objects(self, model, parent_field, **kwargs): """ Create multiple levels of recursive objects. """ per_level = list(range(3)) for _ in per_level: kwargs[parent_field] = None level1 = model.objects.create(**kwargs) for _ in per_level: kwargs[parent_field] = level1 level2 = model.objects.create(**kwargs) for _ in per_level: kwargs[parent_field] = level2 model.objects.create(**kwargs)
[docs]def copy_test_to_media(module, name): """ Copies a file from Mezzanine's test data path to MEDIA_ROOT. Used in tests and demo fixtures. """ mezzanine_path = path_for_import(module) test_path = os.path.join(mezzanine_path, "static", "test", name) to_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, name) to_dir = os.path.dirname(to_path) if not os.path.exists(to_dir): os.makedirs(to_dir) if os.path.isdir(test_path): copy = copytree else: copy = copyfile try: copy(test_path, to_path) except OSError: pass
def _run_checker_for_package(checker, package_name, extra_ignore=None): """ Runs the checker function across every Python module in the given package. """ ignore_strings = IGNORE_ERRORS if extra_ignore: ignore_strings += extra_ignore package_path = path_for_import(package_name) for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(str(package_path)): for f in files: if (f == "" or not f.endswith(".py") or root.split(os.sep)[-1] in ["migrations"]): # Ignore continue for warning in checker(os.path.join(root, f)): for ignore in ignore_strings: if ignore in warning: break else: yield warning.replace(package_path, package_name, 1)
[docs]def run_pyflakes_for_package(package_name, extra_ignore=None): """ If pyflakes is installed, run it across the given package name returning any warnings found. """ from pyflakes.checker import Checker def pyflakes_checker(path): with open(path, "U") as source_file: source = try: tree = compile(source, path, "exec", PyCF_ONLY_AST) except (SyntaxError, IndentationError) as value: info = (path, value.lineno, value.args[0]) yield "Invalid syntax in %s:%d: %s" % info else: result = Checker(tree, path) for warning in result.messages: yield str(warning) args = (pyflakes_checker, package_name, extra_ignore) return _run_checker_for_package(*args)
[docs]def run_pep8_for_package(package_name, extra_ignore=None): """ If pep8 is installed, run it across the given package name returning any warnings or errors found. """ import pep8 class Checker(pep8.Checker): """ Subclass pep8's Checker to hook into error reporting. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Checker, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.report_error = self._report_error def _report_error(self, line_number, offset, text, check): """ Store pairs of line numbers and errors. """ self.errors.append((line_number, text.split(" ", 1)[1])) def check_all(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Assign the errors attribute and return it after running. """ self.errors = [] super(Checker, self).check_all(*args, **kwargs) return self.errors style_guide = pep8.StyleGuide(config_file="setup.cfg") def pep8_checker(path): for line_number, text in Checker(path, options=style_guide.options).check_all(): yield "%s:%s: %s" % (path, line_number, text) args = (pep8_checker, package_name, extra_ignore) return _run_checker_for_package(*args)