Source code for mezzanine.pages.views

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from future.builtins import str

from django.contrib.admin.views.decorators import staff_member_required
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from django.contrib import messages
from django.template.response import TemplateResponse

from mezzanine.pages.models import Page, PageMoveException
from mezzanine.utils.urls import home_slug

[docs]@staff_member_required def admin_page_ordering(request): """ Updates the ordering of pages via AJAX from within the admin. """ def get_id(s): s = s.split("_")[-1] return int(s) if s.isdigit() else None page = get_object_or_404(Page, id=get_id(request.POST['id'])) old_parent_id = page.parent_id new_parent_id = get_id(request.POST['parent_id']) new_parent = Page.objects.get(id=new_parent_id) if new_parent_id else None try: page.get_content_model().can_move(request, new_parent) except PageMoveException as e: messages.error(request, e) return HttpResponse('error') # Perform the page move if new_parent_id != page.parent_id: # Parent changed - set the new parent and re-order the # previous siblings. page.set_parent(new_parent) pages = Page.objects.filter(parent_id=old_parent_id) for i, page in enumerate(pages.order_by('_order')): Page.objects.filter( # Set the new order for the moved page and its current siblings. for i, page_id in enumerate(request.POST.getlist('siblings[]')): Page.objects.filter(id=get_id(page_id)).update(_order=i) return HttpResponse("ok")
[docs]def page(request, slug, template=u"pages/page.html", extra_context=None): """ Select a template for a page and render it. The request object should have a ``page`` attribute that's added via ``mezzanine.pages.middleware.PageMiddleware``. The page is loaded earlier via middleware to perform various other functions. The urlpattern that maps to this view is a catch-all pattern, in which case the page attribute won't exist, so raise a 404 then. For template selection, a list of possible templates is built up based on the current page. This list is order from most granular match, starting with a custom template for the exact page, then adding templates based on the page's parent page, that could be used for sections of a site (eg all children of the parent). Finally at the broadest level, a template for the page's content type (it's model class) is checked for, and then if none of these templates match, the default pages/page.html is used. """ from mezzanine.pages.middleware import PageMiddleware if not PageMiddleware.installed(): raise ImproperlyConfigured("mezzanine.pages.middleware.PageMiddleware " "(or a subclass of it) is missing from " + "settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES or " + "settings.MIDDLEWARE") if not hasattr(request, "page") or != slug: raise Http404 # Check for a template name matching the page's slug. If the homepage # is configured as a page instance, the template "pages/index.html" is # used, since the slug "/" won't match a template name. template_name = str(slug) if slug != home_slug() else "index" templates = [u"pages/%s.html" % template_name] method_template = if method_template: templates.insert(0, method_template) if is not None: templates.append(u"pages/%s/%s.html" % (template_name, for parent in parent_template_name = str(parent.slug) # Check for a template matching the page's content model. if is not None: templates.append(u"pages/%s/%s.html" % (parent_template_name, # Check for a template matching the page's content model. if is not None: templates.append(u"pages/%s.html" % templates.append(template) return TemplateResponse(request, templates, extra_context or {})