Source code for mezzanine.generic.fields

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals
from future.builtins import str

from copy import copy

from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericRelation
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured, AppRegistryNotReady
from django.db.models import IntegerField, CharField, FloatField
from django.db.models.signals import post_save, post_delete

from mezzanine.utils.deprecation import get_related_model

[docs]class BaseGenericRelation(GenericRelation): """ Extends ``GenericRelation`` to: - Add a consistent default value for ``object_id_field`` and check for a ``default_related_model`` attribute which can be defined on subclasses as a default for the ``to`` argument. - Add one or more custom fields to the model that the relation field is applied to, and then call a ``related_items_changed`` method each time related items are saved or deleted, so that a calculated value can be stored against the custom fields since aggregates aren't available for GenericRelation instances. """ # Mapping of field names to model fields that will be added. fields = {} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Set up some defaults and check for a ``default_related_model`` attribute for the ``to`` argument. """ kwargs.setdefault("object_id_field", "object_pk") to = getattr(self, "default_related_model", None) # Avoid having both a positional arg and a keyword arg for # the parameter ``to`` if to and not args: kwargs.setdefault("to", to) try: # Check if ``related_model`` has been modified by a subclass self.related_model except (AppRegistryNotReady, AttributeError): # if not, all is good super(BaseGenericRelation, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) else: # otherwise, warn the user to stick to the new (as of 4.0) # ``default_related_model`` attribute raise ImproperlyConfigured("BaseGenericRelation changed the " "way it handled a default ``related_model`` in mezzanine " "4.0. Please override ``default_related_model`` instead " "and do not tamper with django's ``related_model`` " "property anymore.")
[docs] def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name): """ Add each of the names and fields in the ``fields`` attribute to the model the relationship field is applied to, and set up the related item save and delete signals for calling ``related_items_changed``. """ for field in cls._meta.many_to_many: if isinstance(field, self.__class__): e = "Multiple %s fields are not supported (%s.%s, %s.%s)" % ( self.__class__.__name__, cls.__name__, cls.__name__, name, raise ImproperlyConfigured(e) self.related_field_name = name super(BaseGenericRelation, self).contribute_to_class(cls, name) # Not applicable to abstract classes, and in fact will break. if not cls._meta.abstract: for (name_string, field) in self.fields.items(): if "%s" in name_string: name_string = name_string % name extant_fields = cls._meta._forward_fields_map if name_string in extant_fields: continue if field.verbose_name is None: field.verbose_name = self.verbose_name cls.add_to_class(name_string, copy(field)) # Add a getter function to the model we can use to retrieve # the field/manager by name. getter_name = "get_%s_name" % self.__class__.__name__.lower() cls.add_to_class(getter_name, lambda self: name) sender = get_related_model(self) post_save.connect(self._related_items_changed, sender=sender) post_delete.connect(self._related_items_changed, sender=sender)
def _related_items_changed(self, **kwargs): """ Ensure that the given related item is actually for the model this field applies to, and pass the instance to the real ``related_items_changed`` handler. """ for_model = kwargs["instance"].content_type.model_class() if for_model and issubclass(for_model, self.model): instance_id = kwargs["instance"].object_pk try: instance = for_model.objects.get(id=instance_id) except self.model.DoesNotExist: # Instance itself was deleted - signals are irrelevant. return if hasattr(instance, "get_content_model"): instance = instance.get_content_model() related_manager = getattr(instance, self.related_field_name) self.related_items_changed(instance, related_manager)
[docs] def related_items_changed(self, instance, related_manager): """ Can be implemented by subclasses - called whenever the state of related items change, eg they're saved or deleted. The instance for this field and the related manager for the field are passed as arguments. """ pass
[docs] def value_from_object(self, obj): """ Returns the value of this field in the given model instance. See: """ return getattr(obj, self.attname).all()
[docs]class CommentsField(BaseGenericRelation): """ Stores the number of comments against the ``COMMENTS_FIELD_NAME_count`` field when a comment is saved or deleted. """ default_related_model = "generic.ThreadedComment" fields = {"%s_count": IntegerField(editable=False, default=0)}
[docs] def related_items_changed(self, instance, related_manager): """ Stores the number of comments. A custom ``count_filter`` queryset gets checked for, allowing managers to implement custom count logic. """ try: count = related_manager.count_queryset() except AttributeError: count = related_manager.count() count_field_name = list(self.fields.keys())[0] % \ self.related_field_name setattr(instance, count_field_name, count)
[docs]class KeywordsField(BaseGenericRelation): """ Stores the keywords as a single string into the ``KEYWORDS_FIELD_NAME_string`` field for convenient access when searching. """ default_related_model = "generic.AssignedKeyword" fields = {"%s_string": CharField(editable=False, blank=True, max_length=500)} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Mark the field as editable so that it can be specified in admin class fieldsets and pass validation, and also so that it shows up in the admin form. """ super(KeywordsField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.editable = True
[docs] def formfield(self, **kwargs): """ Provide the custom form widget for the admin, since there isn't a form field mapped to ``GenericRelation`` model fields. """ from mezzanine.generic.forms import KeywordsWidget kwargs["widget"] = KeywordsWidget return super(KeywordsField, self).formfield(**kwargs)
[docs] def save_form_data(self, instance, data): """ The ``KeywordsWidget`` field will return data as a string of comma separated IDs for the ``Keyword`` model - convert these into actual ``AssignedKeyword`` instances. Also delete ``Keyword`` instances if their last related ``AssignedKeyword`` instance is being removed. """ from mezzanine.generic.models import Keyword related_manager = getattr(instance, # Get a list of Keyword IDs being removed. old_ids = [str(a.keyword_id) for a in related_manager.all()] new_ids = data.split(",") removed_ids = set(old_ids) - set(new_ids) # Remove current AssignedKeyword instances. related_manager.all().delete() # Convert the data into AssignedKeyword instances. if data: data = [related_manager.create(keyword_id=i) for i in new_ids] # Remove keywords that are no longer assigned to anything. Keyword.objects.delete_unused(removed_ids) super(KeywordsField, self).save_form_data(instance, data)
[docs] def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name): """ Swap out any reference to ``KeywordsField`` with the ``KEYWORDS_FIELD_string`` field in ``search_fields``. """ super(KeywordsField, self).contribute_to_class(cls, name) string_field_name = list(self.fields.keys())[0] % \ self.related_field_name if hasattr(cls, "search_fields") and name in cls.search_fields: try: weight = cls.search_fields[name] except TypeError: # search_fields is a sequence. index = cls.search_fields.index(name) search_fields_type = type(cls.search_fields) cls.search_fields = list(cls.search_fields) cls.search_fields[index] = string_field_name cls.search_fields = search_fields_type(cls.search_fields) else: del cls.search_fields[name] cls.search_fields[string_field_name] = weight
[docs] def related_items_changed(self, instance, related_manager): """ Stores the keywords as a single string for searching. """ assigned = related_manager.select_related("keyword") keywords = " ".join([str(a.keyword) for a in assigned]) string_field_name = list(self.fields.keys())[0] % \ self.related_field_name if getattr(instance, string_field_name) != keywords: setattr(instance, string_field_name, keywords)
[docs]class RatingField(BaseGenericRelation): """ Stores the rating count and average against the ``RATING_FIELD_NAME_count`` and ``RATING_FIELD_NAME_average`` fields when a rating is saved or deleted. """ default_related_model = "generic.Rating" fields = {"%s_count": IntegerField(default=0, editable=False), "%s_sum": IntegerField(default=0, editable=False), "%s_average": FloatField(default=0, editable=False)}
[docs] def related_items_changed(self, instance, related_manager): """ Calculates and saves the average rating. """ ratings = [r.value for r in related_manager.all()] count = len(ratings) _sum = sum(ratings) average = _sum / count if count > 0 else 0 setattr(instance, "%s_count" % self.related_field_name, count) setattr(instance, "%s_sum" % self.related_field_name, _sum) setattr(instance, "%s_average" % self.related_field_name, average)