Source code for mezzanine.core.admin

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from copy import deepcopy

from django.contrib import admin
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.contrib.auth.admin import UserAdmin
from django.contrib.auth.models import User as AuthUser
from django.contrib.redirects.admin import RedirectAdmin
from django.contrib.messages import error
from django.urls import NoReverseMatch
from django.forms import ValidationError, ModelForm
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from mezzanine.conf import settings
from mezzanine.core.forms import DynamicInlineAdminForm
from mezzanine.core.models import (
    Orderable, ContentTyped, SitePermission, CONTENT_STATUS_PUBLISHED)
from mezzanine.utils.models import base_concrete_model
from mezzanine.utils.sites import current_site_id
from mezzanine.utils.static import static_lazy as static
from mezzanine.utils.urls import admin_url

    from collections import OrderedDict
    from django.utils.translation import activate, get_language
    from modeltranslation.admin import (TranslationAdmin,

    class BaseTranslationModelAdmin(TranslationAdmin):
        Mimic modeltranslation's TabbedTranslationAdmin but uses a
        custom tabbed_translation_fields.js
        class Media:
            js = (
                static("mezzanine/js/%s" % settings.JQUERY_UI_FILENAME),
            css = {
                "all": (static(

[docs] class BaseTranslationModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): """ Abstract class used to handle the switch between translation and no-translation class logic. We define the basic structure for the Media class so we can extend it consistently regardless of whether or not modeltranslation is used. """ class Media: js = () css = {"all": ()}
User = get_user_model() class DisplayableAdminForm(ModelForm): def clean_content(form): status = form.cleaned_data.get("status") content = form.cleaned_data.get("content") if status == CONTENT_STATUS_PUBLISHED and not content: raise ValidationError(_("This field is required if status " "is set to published.")) return content
[docs]class DisplayableAdmin(BaseTranslationModelAdmin): """ Admin class for subclasses of the abstract ``Displayable`` model. """ list_display = ("title", "status", "admin_link") list_display_links = ("title",) list_editable = ("status",) list_filter = ("status", "keywords__keyword") # modeltranslation breaks date hierarchy links, see: # # Once that's resolved we can restore this. date_hierarchy = None if settings.USE_MODELTRANSLATION else "publish_date" radio_fields = {"status": admin.HORIZONTAL} fieldsets = ( (None, { "fields": ["title", "status", ("publish_date", "expiry_date")], }), (_("Meta data"), { "fields": ["_meta_title", "slug", ("description", "gen_description"), "keywords", "in_sitemap"], "classes": ("collapse-closed",) }), ) form = DisplayableAdminForm def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DisplayableAdmin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) try: self.search_fields = list(set(list(self.search_fields) + list( self.model.objects.get_search_fields().keys()))) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def check_permission(self, request, page, permission): """ Subclasses can define a custom permission check and raise an exception if False. """ pass
[docs] def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change): """ Save model for every language so that field auto-population is done for every each of it. """ super(DisplayableAdmin, self).save_model(request, obj, form, change) if settings.USE_MODELTRANSLATION: lang = get_language() for code in OrderedDict(settings.LANGUAGES): if code != lang: # Already done try: activate(code) except: pass else: activate(lang)
[docs]class BaseDynamicInlineAdmin(object): """ Admin inline that uses JS to inject an "Add another" link which when clicked, dynamically reveals another fieldset. Also handles adding the ``_order`` field and its widget for models that subclass ``Orderable``. """ form = DynamicInlineAdminForm extra = 1
[docs] def get_fields(self, request, obj=None): """ For subclasses of ``Orderable``, the ``_order`` field must always be present and be the last field. """ fields = super(BaseDynamicInlineAdmin, self).get_fields(request, obj) if issubclass(self.model, Orderable): fields = list(fields) try: fields.remove("_order") except ValueError: pass fields.append("_order") return fields
[docs] def get_fieldsets(self, request, obj=None): """ Same as above, but for fieldsets. """ fieldsets = super(BaseDynamicInlineAdmin, self).get_fieldsets( request, obj) if issubclass(self.model, Orderable): for fieldset in fieldsets: fields = [f for f in list(fieldset[1]["fields"]) if not hasattr(f, "translated_field")] try: fields.remove("_order") except ValueError: pass fieldset[1]["fields"] = fields fieldsets[-1][1]["fields"].append("_order") return fieldsets
def get_inline_base_class(cls): if settings.USE_MODELTRANSLATION: class InlineBase(TranslationInlineModelAdmin, cls): """ Abstract class that mimics django-modeltranslation's Translation{Tabular,Stacked}Inline. Used as a placeholder for future improvement. """ pass return InlineBase return cls class TabularDynamicInlineAdmin(BaseDynamicInlineAdmin, get_inline_base_class(admin.TabularInline)): pass class StackedDynamicInlineAdmin(BaseDynamicInlineAdmin, get_inline_base_class(admin.StackedInline)): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Stacked dynamic inlines won't work without grappelli installed, as the JavaScript in dynamic_inline.js isn't able to target each of the inlines to set the value of the order field. """ grappelli_name = getattr(settings, "PACKAGE_NAME_GRAPPELLI") if grappelli_name not in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: error = "StackedDynamicInlineAdmin requires Grappelli installed." raise Exception(error) super(StackedDynamicInlineAdmin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class OwnableAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): """ Admin class for models that subclass the abstract ``Ownable`` model. Handles limiting the change list to objects owned by the logged in user, as well as setting the owner of newly created objects to the logged in user. Remember that this will include the ``user`` field in the required fields for the admin change form which may not be desirable. The best approach to solve this is to define a ``fieldsets`` attribute that excludes the ``user`` field or simple add ``user`` to your admin excludes: ``exclude = ('user',)`` """
[docs] def save_form(self, request, form, change): """ Set the object's owner as the logged in user. """ obj = if obj.user_id is None: obj.user = request.user return super(OwnableAdmin, self).save_form(request, form, change)
[docs] def get_queryset(self, request): """ Filter the change list by currently logged in user if not a superuser. We also skip filtering if the model for this admin class has been added to the sequence in the setting ``OWNABLE_MODELS_ALL_EDITABLE``, which contains models in the format ``app_label.object_name``, and allows models subclassing ``Ownable`` to be excluded from filtering, eg: ownership should not imply permission to edit. """ opts = self.model._meta model_name = ("%s.%s" % (opts.app_label, opts.object_name)).lower() models_all_editable = settings.OWNABLE_MODELS_ALL_EDITABLE models_all_editable = [m.lower() for m in models_all_editable] qs = super(OwnableAdmin, self).get_queryset(request) if request.user.is_superuser or model_name in models_all_editable: return qs return qs.filter(
class ContentTypedAdmin(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ For subclasses that are registered with an Admin class that doesn't implement fieldsets, add any extra model fields to this instance's fieldsets. This mimics Django's behaviour of adding all model fields when no fieldsets are defined on the Admin class. """ super(ContentTypedAdmin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.concrete_model = base_concrete_model(ContentTyped, self.model) # Test that the fieldsets don't differ from the concrete admin's. if (self.model is not self.concrete_model and self.fieldsets == self.base_concrete_modeladmin.fieldsets): # Make a copy so that we aren't modifying other Admin # classes' fieldsets. self.fieldsets = deepcopy(self.fieldsets) # Insert each field between the publishing fields and nav # fields. Do so in reverse order to retain the order of # the model's fields. model_fields = self.concrete_model._meta.get_fields() concrete_field = '{concrete_model}_ptr'.format( concrete_model=self.concrete_model.get_content_model_name()) exclude_fields = [ for f in model_fields] + [concrete_field] try: exclude_fields.extend(self.exclude) except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass try: exclude_fields.extend(self.form.Meta.exclude) except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass fields = (self.model._meta.get_fields() + self.model._meta.many_to_many) for field in reversed(fields): if not in exclude_fields and field.editable: if not hasattr(field, "translated_field"): self.fieldsets[0][1]["fields"].insert(3, @property def base_concrete_modeladmin(self): """ The class inheriting directly from ContentModelAdmin. """ candidates = [self.__class__] while candidates: candidate = candidates.pop() if ContentTypedAdmin in candidate.__bases__: return candidate candidates.extend(candidate.__bases__) raise Exception("Can't find base concrete ModelAdmin class.") def has_module_permission(self, request): """ Hide subclasses from the admin menu. """ return self.model is self.concrete_model def change_view(self, request, object_id, **kwargs): """ For the concrete model, check ``get_content_model()`` for a subclass and redirect to its admin change view. """ instance = get_object_or_404(self.concrete_model, pk=object_id) content_model = instance.get_content_model() self.check_permission(request, content_model, "change") if content_model.__class__ != self.model: change_url = admin_url(content_model.__class__, "change", return HttpResponseRedirect(change_url) return super(ContentTypedAdmin, self).change_view( request, object_id, **kwargs) def changelist_view(self, request, extra_context=None): """ Redirect to the changelist view for subclasses. """ if self.model is not self.concrete_model: return HttpResponseRedirect( admin_url(self.concrete_model, "changelist")) extra_context = extra_context or {} extra_context["content_models"] = self.get_content_models() return super(ContentTypedAdmin, self).changelist_view( request, extra_context) def get_content_models(self): """ Return all subclasses that are admin registered. """ models = [] for model in self.concrete_model.get_content_models(): try: admin_url(model, "add") except NoReverseMatch: continue else: setattr(model, "meta_verbose_name", model._meta.verbose_name) setattr(model, "add_url", admin_url(model, "add")) models.append(model) return models #################################### # User Admin with Site Permissions # #################################### class SitePermissionInline(admin.TabularInline): model = SitePermission max_num = 1 can_delete = False class SitePermissionUserAdminForm(UserAdmin.form): def clean_email(form): email = form.cleaned_data.get("email") try: User.objects.exclude( except User.DoesNotExist: return email raise ValidationError(_("This email is already registered")) class SitePermissionUserAdmin(UserAdmin): inlines = [SitePermissionInline] form = SitePermissionUserAdminForm def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change): """ Provides a warning if the user is an active admin with no admin access. """ super(SitePermissionUserAdmin, self).save_model( request, obj, form, change) user = self.model.objects.get( has_perms = len(user.get_all_permissions()) > 0 has_sites = SitePermission.objects.filter(user=user).count() > 0 if user.is_active and user.is_staff and not user.is_superuser and not ( has_perms and has_sites): error(request, "The user is active but won't be able to access " "the admin, due to no edit/site permissions being " "selected") # only register if User hasn't been overridden if User == AuthUser: if User in, SitePermissionUserAdmin) class SiteRedirectAdminForm(RedirectAdmin.form): def clean_old_path(form): path = form.cleaned_data.get("old_path") try: Redirect.objects.exclude( except Redirect.DoesNotExist: return path raise ValidationError(_("A redirect from this path already exists"))
[docs]class SiteRedirectAdmin(RedirectAdmin): """ Subclass of Django's redirect admin that modifies it to behave the way most other admin classes do it Mezzanine with regard to site filtering. It filters the list view by current site, hides the site field from the change form, and assigns the current site to the redirect when first created. """ fields = ("old_path", "new_path") # Excludes the site field. form = SiteRedirectAdminForm
[docs] def get_queryset(self, request): """ Filters the list view by current site. """ queryset = super(SiteRedirectAdmin, self).get_queryset(request) return queryset.filter(site_id=current_site_id())
[docs] def save_form(self, request, form, change): """ Assigns the current site to the redirect when first created. """ obj = if not obj.site_id: obj.site_id = current_site_id() return super(SiteRedirectAdmin, self).save_form(request, form, change)
if "django.contrib.redirects" in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: from django.contrib.redirects.models import Redirect if Redirect in, SiteRedirectAdmin)